Chapter 10

333 22 14

⚠️ TW: Self harm

Word count: 1,015

  I wake up standing next to Sally and look at my body laying there on the body and scream as I put my hands over my mouth and knees drop to the floor, "OH MY GOD!" I guess i'm a ghost now.
  The girl walks over and before uncuffing her says, "Just know for the rest of the time we're all dead in this ugly hotel, that this is all your fault, she's dead and broken now because of YOU. Have fun living with that, bitch."

She uncuffs Sally then they leave shutting the door behind them. Sally falls off the chair and scoots to my side and holds me saying, "I'm so so sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry." We sob and hold one another.

  Later that day, we're in bed cuddling and she asks, still crying, "Do you want me to use the phone in our room and ask Liz to bring you something to eat?" I shake my head no and she nods and replies, "Okay." She kisses my forehead and says, "Baby i'm so sorry, i'm so so sorry, i'm i'm sorry." I don't say anything, because I haven't since I first died, and just snuggle into her closer.

Later on, I walk to the bathroom and turn on the shower head. Before I take my clothes off and hop in, I grab a shaving razor and break it apart. I begin slicing my arm. After so so many cuts, I clean up and put it away before getting into the shower and ruffly scrubbing ever inch of me. I have to sit down sometimes just to try to breathe as I sob.

I get out and change into some sweats I left on the toliet seat. I walk back into Sally and I's room to see her laying on the bed staring at the ceiling. I walk up to see that she used a lot of her herion. She was doing better, I was doing better, but now we're both is so much pain. I start crying and just get on the bed and hold her giving her a forehead kiss.

I wake up to an empty bed and hear Eric's voice say, "Y/n is it okay if I hug you? It's okay if you aren't ready." I hold my arms out and he stands up from the chair and holds me.

He says, "I'm so sorry this happened to you. I know you're wondering where Sally is, she is um, she asked me to watch you for a while. I don't know exactly where she is. I know she will be back soon though and I will stay here with you till she does."

I nod and sniffle since tears are running down my face.

Sally's POV:

I reach the basement and start screaming and crying out of frustration. I drop to my knees and sob. I look over to my left to see a peice of broken glass and get an idea. I grab it and slice up my arms.

I deserve this, this is all my fault. Y/n is dead and is too traumatized to ever fucking speak. This is all my fault. She loved me, someone who definitely doesn't deserve it, and because of that she had to suffer greatly. She's so beautiful and sweet, she doesn't deserve what happened to her, no one actually, but especially not my babygirl.

I see some beer bottles on the floor and pick them up and smash them on the wall, not caring that my blood is dripping everywhere.

Y/n's POV:

  I start crying heavily and struggling to breathe. Eric asks, "Y/n hey, what is it, what wrong?" I don't feel like talking yet so I take his hand and draw the letters S-A-L-L-Y into this palm. He says stroking my hair, "I understand, i'm going to call Will to find her okay, don't worry." I nod and he takes out his phone and dials Will's number.

  I hear him say, "Babe you need to find Sally, y/n can't be without her any longer, she's a mess. Please please find her. Thanks love you too, bye."

Sally's POV:

  After all the bottles have been smashed, I grab the peice of glass from earlier and cut deeper. It's fine it just hurts, it's not like it's going to kill me, you can't die twice.

  I feel a pair of hands take the glass out of my hand and say, "Hey hey hey, Sally." I fall to the ground and continue sobbing. I see it's Will and he touches my shoulder, trying to comfort me. He says, "Sally, i've got to get you cleaned up, Y/n's freaking out, she misses you."

  I scoff and reply, "She's better off without me, I mean look what loving me did to her, what if something else happens to her? What if someone else tries to hurt her because of me?" He replies, "Sally, that's not going to happen." I yell, "HOW DO YOU FUCKING KNOW THAT. THST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IS HURTING BECAUSE OF ME! IT'S AL MY FUCKING FAULT!"

  He holds me tightly and responds, "It's not your fault. Come with me, please. Y/n really needs you right now. We'll go to my room and get you cleaned up." I nod and he helps me up as I sniffle.

Y/n's POV:

  I hear the door open and I immediately sit up in hopes that it's Sally. I see her and instantly open my arms wanting her to hold me. She walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. I hear the door shut to see the guys have left and now it's just Sally and I.

  She breaks down into sobs and saying while stroking my hair, "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. If you want to leave me, I understand." I shake my head no and lay my head on her chest as I wrap my arms around her stomach.

Stay here, with me ~Sally McKenna AhsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora