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( 2 days after Reich was found by soviet )

Soviets POV:

Has it been two days already?maybe, I'm at least glad I found him before the storm came.He would've died if he wasn't found.
Hopefully Ru- No my kids don't figure out he is here. They would try and kill him.Honestly I don't understand really why they would care he is here but, then again he is the Nazi,the axis power. Either way I don't even care if he is or not, He is a good guy once your either befriend him or just be in a close relationship with him.

Reich's pov:

Really, it's been two whole damn days,when will the Communist let me go back to Germany and well Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy.
Ugh it is very annoying.Goddamn Communist.but, What if HE figures it out,I'll die won't i.Its really annoying after a while. This is fucking torment. . . then I got a good idea. I'll annoy the Communist. he will be possibly to mad and kick me out.Yeah that's a good idea!(would be me)

Imp.Japan POV:

It's been two days already and I don't think he's alive, I sent Italy to find him, When he came back I asked : 「イタリアは彼を見つけましたか!」( which is :Italy did you find him!), he said afterwards : "no, non c'è, non nella foresta"Translation : no , he's not there , in the forest), Germany was asleep and I looked afraid. afraid he died, afraid America or Britain got to him , Or maybe the Communist found him. We didn't even know, being there was a snow storm.

(273 words.)

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