sequel info:

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Hallo ok so I decided on the book title :
Just because I love you.

And it has ships

Thirdunion ( T.Reich and Soviet)
Francit ( france x Britain )
Imperial Italy/ Fascist Japan ( F.Italy and I.Japan)
Rusame ( america and russia)
Mexiraiada ( Canada x Mexico x ukraine)

Skits I've done with WeirdSadShipper

America : twinkle twinkle little star , we gon do it in my car
Russia : ok ame,but don't make a fucking mess.

I.Japan To America: twinkle twinkle little star, I will hit you with my car!

America : what the fu-

Canada : Your the dancing queen, so young and sweet.
America : THIS BITCH EMPTY,YEET * proceeds to throw a bottle with oil*
Britain : where did I go wrong with you all * sips tea calmly*

Ok that's all for skits

Will I draw Soviet and riech : maybe ,I have no clue yet!

Will I make anime books : yes, I've tried to make a eruri one. But I decided to delete it, where I got the original title of Hell on earth was from that book!

Will I update my figure skating lesbian book: yes, there's gonna be a sequel after 21 chapters of the figure on ice.

Will contain :

- blood / gore
- death mentions
- abuse ( verbal,physical and sexual )
- possession
- drugs / alcohol
- language( explicit content)
- gay shit ( I mean yea I'm gay, I drank the tap water that turns you gay. No shit)

"Hell on earth" (Thirdunion/completed)Where stories live. Discover now