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( hello this is Reich's backstory, Wilhelm Empire is Reich's older brother,and German Empire as we can tell is Reich's father,prussia is another nickname for Wilhelm.)

Reich's POV:
It had been a while since well . . . she left. I wish she didn't honestly.
She tried to save us, yet it turned very deadly when HE came. As much as I hate German empire I have to be strong for my brother. Wilhelm Empire,and as much as I hate it. I would have to be either way.I wish she stayed, Vater would kill us if she was gone.that was before I heard a voice, It was Prussia. I felt relieved.
"Mutter-," I cut him off "Ich weiß, dass Mutter tot ist, Wilhelm. " ( says : I know mother is dead,wilhelm.) As I looked down at my feet. though we have a big country not just from war, but from Wilhelm being the dad was friends with Japanese Empire and the kingdom of Italy.meaning their kids : Imperial Japan and fascist Italy. Were my friend's, and occasionally they would come by. Yet I didn't really care if they did. All I cared about was ending my father under all costs.


Even if it was the end of mutter's life,Vater didn't care, still after all of the Years. I've tried to escape yet it doesn't work,I would say something but. I can't, I don't have a say in shit"Gott nimm mich schon, ich wünsche mir den Tod durch die Hände meines Bruders Reich" ( says : God take me already,I wish for death by my brother, reich's hands, ) I said. After I left the room to my brother, who was outside. Looking at the fountain. I said " mutter-," before he said "Ich weiß, dass Mutter tot ist, Wilhelm" after I looked at him and walked away , to my office,I just stared at my papers, they we're every country vater and I have taken over, I stared at it before I muttered "Tod Tod, Tod, Tod, Tod " ( Tod means death). And then I looked over at my gun. What if I end it. Even if I wanted to die by Reich's hands.I grabbed the gun. . . then * BAM* it was dark. I saw a light and as soon as that I heard a voice " nien.. Wilhelm this is a joke right.?Right bruder?" I smiled for a bit as he cried.

(I feel bad-)

I heard the gunshot, knowing one of my mistakes where dead made me a bit happy.Yet it was Wilhelm,I hoped for Reich yet no, they had to take Wilhelm. I looked at his dead body, it was still bleeding, I looked at Reich "Erbärmlich/pathetic" as I walked away. As I smiled I noticed,there was a gun that Reich had in his hand. Did he kill him. Maybe, yet would I care, nien I won't.

(end of scars )

Ok why did I do this to reich. Idk, did I like writing this book for you wonderful people : yes! I've met so many wonderful people throughout wattpad! Im looking forward to doing a collaboration with you all. -ozami
(Ps: I feel so bad for reich and Wilhelm, not for German Empire. He deserves to be with satan(german empire I'm coming for your nico neck!)

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