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(Yes Ukraine cannot cook without supervision. They almost burned the house down once / Ukraine has they/them pronouns)

Ukraine. One of my abominations.They tried cooking last night,Yet we all know they can't cook.The last time they tried they almost burned the goddamn house down. the good thing they didn't try again after that, I also had Russia supervise them.Yet Russia wasn't really supervising,More of texting America stupid shit.Yet I didn't care much , as long as Ukraine was being watched.

Why did I have to watch that dumbass. I really don't know. As long as Ukraine didn't burn the house down, I would be fine. Yet they almost did once, now I have to watch them.I mean all I was doing currently was texting America about what happened. America was very concerned with it. Yet they understood very well, that was Australia once. They couldn't cook without supervision. Because they started a fire in the kitchen. apparently America's dad : Britain freaked out about it. So did new Zealand and Canada. America was filming the whole thing.After that America sent me the video he took and I showed it to Ukraine saying that it would be them if they didn't have supervision.

I heard something similar to screaming from the downstairs, so I went down and found Russia and Ukraine ( two of Soviets kids ) in the kitchen. I wonder what they where doing. I then heard footsteps from behind me,to find a smaller country with wings behind me. I turned around and waved, they waved back and asked : "what is going on?", I shrugged and asked Russia what was happening, To my surprise Ukraine was a bit scared and Russia showed me the video, I said " That would be fascist,imperial and me." Of course Japan would be filming and fascist would freak out, as for me I would be the one starting the fire.Would make sense.

I woke up to some screaming noise from downstairs, so I got out of bed and walked down the hall, to see another country there. I stopped and saw them turn around, they had a white circle with a symbol on it, I asked this country what was going on, the shrugged and as soon as they asked Russia what was going on , Russia showed them the video, Then the country said that it would be two people by the name fascist and imperial. I believe the country's name is Third Reich.I'm not sure.

I heard the screams of Britain, so honestly I thought something was happening, to my surprise Belarus and Reich where downstairs with Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine scared and Russia laughing, Reich concerned and Belarus confused, after that I said something : "Что вы делаете, Беларусь, Россия, Украина?"( what are you doing, Belarus, russia,and Ukraine?) They looked at me and said : "НИЧЕГО, ПАПА!/НІЧОГА ТАТА!/НІЧОГО ТАТО!(nothing dad!) " as I looked at them. Before Reich said " your kids scare me." And went back upstairs.

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