Fear Truly Shakes The Heart

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Arvid Lundin woke up from his bed feeling energetic. His arrival in Stockholm had turned out more joyful than he'd expected.

Turns out he wouldn't be alone in the interview. In fact, the moment he landed in Stockholm, he got a call from the secretary of the CEO of Gatensberg-Posten- the elegant Mrs. Petra Gedman.

She'd booked a room in the same hotel as him. It seemed Gatensberg-Posten had bought the events hall of the hotel for the night. Several of the Stockholm branch members, some he knew were at the event.

Coincidentally, it was the birthday of one of the senior editors, Mr. John Ekdal. He was a prominent member, known throughout GP. His close relations with Mrs. Gedman weren't a secret, so it wasn't a surprise to see her attending the function.

What really surprised him was after the event. Mrs. Petra called for his attention.

Imagine him, a man in his early thirties, after all the drinks at an exquisite party, his attire somewhat disheveled. Imagine that sort of man being called to his boss's office by 10:35pm!

At first he thought it was a caution on his behavior, but he was never one to get drunk or be carried away- he wouldn't say he wasn't a heavy drinker though.

At 11pm yesterday, he was sat in the nice looking expensive suite, nervous by the silence as Petra Gedman looked at him from her side of the coffee table, sipping her tea and looking over his untouched cup.

She was still in the sparkling light yellow dress she'd worn for the event, making him feel even smaller as she examined him with her sharp eyes.

"Mr. Arvid Lundin, right?"

"Y-yes, CEO-Madam," Arvid replied with a stutter, adjusting his tie, making it more out of place than it was before in his nervousness.

"You can easen up, Mr. Lundin," said Petra Gedman. "The reason I called you here is to talk about the interview tomorrow. Do you know why you were chosen?"

"Well, I think maybe the agency saw some sort of capability in me?" said Arvid, although it sounded more like a question than an answer.

"Not some sort of capability, Mr. Lundin. I've been following your articles since your second year with Gatensberg-Posten. You have a lot of capability," said Petra. "There's a new chance that the agency is looking into. That we become more like the more renowned multinational, continental and global news agencies and start our own tv programs and podcasts based on our news and articles."

"That sounds great, madam," said Arvid. "I'm honored you think so highly of me and I'm excited by the idea...but where do I come in?"

"The interview tomorrow," said Petra Gedman, blankly. "That will be our first program on air...live on television."

Arvid Lundin shook his head in embarrassment as he got off the bed. He leapt off the seat at her statement and screamed like a little boy that won his favorite chocolate at a fair.

It was so embarrassing now that he remembered. Thankfully, Mrs. Gedman let it bypass her. She sent him to his room after the incident. He spent the rest of the night chatting with his friends back at Stockholm, telling them the good news.

In between all the excitement he'd fallen asleep.

Finally mustering the strength to move off the bed, Arvid prepared for his big day. The interview was actually set for 11 in the morning and would be for 2 good hours. Arvid arrived at the scene of the interview two hours earlier, looking over his notes, running proto-interviews with some of GP's camera crew and broadcasters that would be working with him.

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