No Condition To Go Home

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"Dear God, please help me understand everything that's going on," said Penelope, speaking loudly to herself.

Arvid laid on the hospital bed, his side now stitched up and the wound plastered up. He stared at her, but turned on his side, hissing slightly in pain.

"You realize you're hurting yourself more that way, Arvid," Penelope scolded. "It's just by grace you're alive. Now please, tell me how you're involved with those men? Why would they do such a thing to you?!"

"I've already told you the truth," replied Arvid. "I have never seen those men before in my life! I feel very traumatized by what happened, so please can I get some space? I need to regather myself before I lose it."

Penelope rubber her temple, slumping her shoulders in defeat. They made been going back and forth regarding this matter for the past 30 minutes since Arvid came out of operation.

She knew it wasn't the best time to ask him these questions, but her concern got the better of her. She didn't mind that she had to pay the hospital bills as long as he was alive. All she wanted to know was Arvid's relationship with those two men.

Arvid proved very stubborn, he didn't even want to talk about it. He'd even prevented her from calling the police to investigate into the matter.

There had been other staff who had come to see him, currently waiting outside to see him.

Maja Eriksson charged into the room suddenly, slamming the door behind her. She took off her glasses, with a soft gaze as she stared at Arvid.

"Easy, Maja," said Penelope. "The hospital's policy is one visitor at a time."

"I know, I know. But I'd been standing outside for ages and couldn't handle it anymore. How is he, Penelope?" asked Maja, her voice lighter than usual. "I wasn't online until I got home. Thank you so much for helping him."

"It's fine," said Penelope. "I was just lucky to be there."

Maja nodded in understanding, gesturing towards Arvid. Penelope shrugged.

"He's not in talking mood."

"Really?" Maja narrowed her eyes. "Let's see if he can try that with me."

Penelope stepped out of Maja's way. She wasn't ignorant of what was between her and Arvid. It was a rather popular story among the staff at some point. Especially the day Arvid ruined their date night, which caused a tough time for the staff the following week with unnecessary arguments between the two.

It was funny that somehow the enmity between them died down without anyone else getting involved.

Though Maja didn't handle Arvid's next love interest very well. They didn't last four months together, but Penelope had to bear the burden of her complaints for those months.

Maja and her were close. She was one of the closest companions at work for sure. She was a fun personality, but sometimes her emotions really got the better of her.

Maja lightly tapped Arvid on the shoulder, who slowly opened his eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"Please don't give me that attitude right now," said Maja in the nicest way she could, despite the huge frown on her face. "Can you tell me how this happened?"

"It's not like it will change anything, Maja," said Arvid. "What's happened has happened. Now I don't know what to do with my life from here."

Maja stared at Penelope, alarmed. Penelope gestured for her to go on. Maja sat down on the edge of the bed, gently ruffling Arvid's hair. The man growled as he turned to face her.

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