The End Or A New Start?

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Ebba opened her eyes sharply- eyes scanning everywhere. The police sirens rang even louder in her ears now.

Her head ached slightly from the huge bang it suffered by the sudden stunt she pulled- slamming one's head into the steering wasn't a nice experience.

In front of her, the vehicle of their assailants had crashed into the food store- the men were struggling to get out of the of them helped out their messy blonde haired driver that had fallen unconscious and looked to have suffered a large bruise on their head.

Ebba wasn't going to stick around any longer for them to recover- she'd let them deal with the police. Without hesitation, she stepped on the accelerator...they were out of sight in a few minutes- the sound of the sirens gradually dwindled out of existence.

Only now could Ebba let out a sigh of relief. Jesper was quick to join her in the passenger seat, a piece of torn clothing wrapped around his shoulder.

Judging by his slight grim look they weren't out of the woods yet.

"His injuries are much blood lost."

"I'm guessing we have to get him hospitalized?" asked Ebba.

"Yes," Jesper nodded. "But the risk of doing that- in The Stone's territory nonetheless. He has many of his guys here that can show up at any moment once the word gets out of Arvid's escape- we will have to be quick and leave the city."

Ebba breathed out, glancing back at Arvid Lundin's pitiful state.

"Have any idea where the hospital is around here?"

"Of course, I grew up in this city," said Jesper. "Let me drive- I have a doctor that owes me one. But we'll have to be quick."

Moments later and Ebba was sitting outside a hospital room, the hood of her white hoodie over her head as she sat beside Jesper- the man coolly sitting down despite still having a bullet in his shoulder.

The doctor stepped out of the room- a short haired elderly woman with black hair.

"How's he now, Doctor Lustig?"

"Barely stable," said Doctor Lustig. "He needs about two pints of blood and I need to run a blood test- see if we have any that matches his blood type here or if we have to request from the city vault."

"I feel there's something you're not saying," said Ebba anxiously. "What aren't you saying, doctor?"

"During his fall he suffered immense concussive damage that has severely damaged his scalp and his face," said Doctor Lustig.

"Then perform surgery on him!" said Ebba.

"It's not that easy to do- giving a patient head surgery and a blood transfusion on such short notice."

Ebba glanced at Jesper. They both understood what the woman was saying. He had explained enough about their situation to the woman to let her know they were short on time to leave the city.

"How long?"

"He has some severely bruised blood cells and some fractures in his ribs so we'll have to look into that as well," said Doctor Lustig. "We need a total of twelve hours to make sure he's completely fine when he wakes up."

"Fine," said Jesper. "But make the details of this patient as confidential as you can. We don't need more trouble than we have on our hands."


Arvid Lundin never thought he would be able to open his eyes again- not after all he'd gone through that day.

Thank God he was able to. The first thing he laid his eyes on was Ebba and a tall man in all black, who had piece of cloth wrapped around a part of his shoulder- they stood beside an elderly short haired doctor of average height that was engaged in a conversation with them.

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