Safe in Lund, Right?

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It had been over two weeks away from Göteborg. It had been over two weeks away from home. So far, nothing has happened. No one had appeared out of nowhere to put a bullet through him-

"Mr. Lundin? Mr. Lundin?!"

Arvid Lundin closed his laptop. There was a repetitive and rythmtic bang on the door as a feminine voice called out to him, interrupting his writing.

Arvid got off the floor, buttoning up his robe as he opened the door.

A beautiful woman with her black hair packed in a knot stood by the entrance, adorning a cotton white long sleeve top and a black skirt.

"You had me worried when you didn't answer."

Priska Rosén, a lecturer at the renowned Lund University. It turns out that Patrik had planned to send him to the student populated city of Lund, not so far from Malmo.

So far it had turned out to be a very good plan. Priska was the woman who had been so generous to help a stranger like himself when her friend, Patrik had asked her.

She was a very nice woman and also very considerate. It seemed like Patrik had told her a bit of what had happened to him, because she always tried to be sympathetic and supportive- Arvid honestly found it hard to say no when she offered him something to eat.

"I'm sorry, I was busy on my laptop again," said Arvid.

Since posting his second article on The Brigue Press, coinciding with his arrival in Lund, Arvid discovered he could earn up to 30 percent royalties from whoever published his articles to the global net.

His two articles so far earned him some hundreds daily that helped with feeding at least, so he didn't have to bother Priska and could just withdraw the money once it was credited to his bank account.

However that wasn't what was important. What he noticed was that the same person that published the first article, also did the same for the second.

It was a long time user of the site named The Truth Huntsman. When Arvid searched his page, he discovered nothing but short stories and poems that had similar themes- Death, Murder and Justice.

They all dealt with a rich generous man that was killed by fire, his children forgotten and put out on the streets and those he called his own betraying him for all that he owned.

It was a strange occurrence in all the works of that account. Somehow, he felt it could be related to what happened to Mr. Elias Ahrén or even Mr. Lars Ulrich.

When he had settled into his new (although temporary, he hoped) residence, Arvid quickly got a new phone- bought and registered in Priska's name- with it he got in touch with Ebba to see if she could give him any information on Mr. Ahrén and Mr. Ulrich the week building up to their deaths.

What Ebba had discovered was that Mr. Ahrén was planning to sell his hotel in Stockholm in order to invest in Oslo Vehicles. The deal had been agreed to sell to a buyer from Norway for twice it's original net value, which would help him get a lot of shares in Oslo Vehicles at that time.

Mr. Ulrich had been one of his agents, along with another man that died at the carnival, one Zakary Säfström, an actual real estate agent.

In the end, Patrick Markus eventually bought the shares almost six months later after their deaths, adding to what he already had.

Ebba theorized that either The Stone was sent by someone that didn't want the deal to happen or The Stone wasn't going to benefit from the transactions and decided to have them all killed.

Ultimately, Ahrén's children were very young at the time of the incident. His family was not heard from again after the incident...but so too the others- it was a very tough case to wrap one's head around.

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