Where it started #1

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-3rd Person POV-

"Alright class we will be doing some partner training since it's almost the end of the year, and soon you guys will need to learn to cooperate with others." Mr.Aizawa turned and looked at Bakugou.

"I have assigned partners already and I don't wanna hear complains understood?" The class all nodded he began to call out names of each group.

"Team A.) Ochako,Iida,Momo,Mina"

"Team B.) Bakugou,Midoriya,Todoroki,Kirishima"

"Team C.) Kaminari,Sero,Jiro,Asui"

Mr.Aizawa continued assigning groups and soon everyone got into there team.


-Midoriya POV-
"Let's do our best!" I grinned
"YUUP!" - Kirishima
Todoroki simply nodded while Kacchan just rolled his eyes.
"we're obviously gonna win" He smirked.
"We don't even know what we're doing yet-" said Kirishima.

"Alright stay in your groups we are going to go around the city, to see if there's any danger for help. We've done this before I don't think I need to do much more explaining..go" Mr.Aizawa spoke.


Time skip about an hour later our team hasn't fought any 'real villains' yet just stopping bad guys from stealing or helping old people etc etc..

"You guys wanna take a small break?" - Kirishima

"I guess" - Todoroki

"We barely did any shit, this is lame" - Kacchan

"Eh a break wouldn't hurt there's no sign of any villains anyways" I said

We all agreed and stopped by a mini boba shop we were just talking for a while until we heard a scream.

"EWWW ITS A UGLY PURPLE FLOATING THING" a little girl yelled and started running.


"Finally about time we fight something" Kacchan smirked and was about to throw a bom at the villain.

Which he missed, because the villain threw multiple purple smoke balloons everywhere.. I'm guessing it was his quirk maybe??

I used blackwhip and help everyone near the area far away and fast as possible.

Kirishima then jumped on the guy and used his quirk to get a grip on his wrists, but he threw another smoke balloon before he could get to his other wrist.

Todoroki was checking if there was any other people around the area. Kacchan then threw a explosion onto his face which Kirishima was gripping his face so that Kacchan would beat it as if it was a punching bag.

I used black whip and wrapped it all around the villain so he would stop moving.
"Bakugou that's enough." said Todoroki the villains mouth was bleeding blood already I just laughed awkwardly.

"Wow that's it? we're totally pros!" smiled Kirishima.
I loosen black whip a little due to the police taking in place, cuffing the villian I let go and start explaining to the police.

-3rd Person POV-
The villain threw more smoke balloons as a attempt to get out of the area but Todoroki froze his foot. Just when he was about to enter the car he stared at Bakugou who laughing at him and his eye turned green.

"Brat..I'll get my revenge on you" the villain thought.

"Watch your back blondie I'll get my hands on you too!!" He yelled. "HAh?" Bakugou made a what the fuck are you saying type of face.


-Time Skip 6PM-


-Midoriya POV-
Most of class 3A was in the commoner room watching a movie or just playing some games.
I saw Kacchan in the kitchen cooking.
"Hi" I simply said quietly glancing at him, while taking a water bottle from the fridge. I then sat down in one of the high chairs.

A/N - yes tf it is 3A not 1B. 1B would be the class Monoma is in. The number 1,2,3 before the letter stands for the year their in. The letter basically means that there are more then 1 class that are first/second/third years. Cause a class can likely have a maximum of 30 students. Gets?
YES I'm explaining this bc some uneducated mfs were pissing me off tryna correct me😭.

Anyways back to story

He just returned a simple hum then a sigh...?
"You alright you don't look so good?" Did he get hurt from earlier?
"I'm fine nerd my head just hurts a bit".

A/N - just a reminder incase u forgot yes bakugou is nicer to deku bc there 3rd years now & I made they're friendship better🙄 cannon bc I said so & it's bound to happen y'all seeing the manga

Todoroki walks in the kitchen and sits in front of me taking out his phone.
"then you should rest..it's probably because you were laughing your ass off like a hyena" Todoroki said in his normal cold tone.

"Shut up you dipshit" Kacchan snarled
"What's for dinner?" I asked
"Pork" he replied.

~Next Morning~


-Bakugou POV-
I woke up a bit sweaty and dizzy, nonetheless I got ready and took a visit to recovery girl.


"Hm..what brings you here so early in the morning child" -Recovery girl

"I wanted an ice pack my head hurts like hell" - Bakugou

"Wouldn't that make it worse? Let me take a look at you." - Recovery girl

A few minutes later she came back with a paper "here drink some water it seems you were hit by a truth quirk I'm assuming it was from yesterday? Aizawa told me about it."

"The fuck a truth quirk?"

"The effects haven't appeared yet I don't think..? who was the first person you .. eh actually never mind it's not a big deal who it was. Go back to class child..let me report this to you teacher"

I sigh tiredly making my way back to my dorm it was still early before class.


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