A small ding was heard on Tara's phone as she slowly opened her eyes as she just woke up. The first day of senior year, Amber had texted her good morning as always. She's done this for years which Tara found really cute.


Good morning Tara!

Good morning Amber.
Excited to see you today!

Me too💌
Read 7:34

Tara shut off her phone and got up. Though it was still summer basically Tara still felt the slight chill of coldness when she threw her blankets off her. She walked to her closet and picked out a simple outfit, she wasn't gonna go all out for a day of school even if it was the first day of school.

She walked downstairs to see a note on the island in her kitchen, it was from her mother. On another business trip as always, Tara crumbled the note up in her hand and threw it away and opened the fridge to find something to eat.

She didn't have cereal or basically anything for breakfast so she decided to have the leftover pizza from last night. It's not like her mom could stop her, she slipped her shoes on quickly after eating her pizza and brushing her teeth. She grabbed her backpack but double checking she had everything she needed.

Her phone was in her pocket as she texted Amber she was on her way to school. She lived fairly close about a 10 minute walk so she walked to school enjoying the warm morning with the soft breeze. She arrived at school to be met with Amber, Wes, Chad, Liv, and Mindy.

"Hey Tara", Amber said rushing over to Tara and hugging her tightly. Tara hugged back smelling Amber, Amber had a intoxicating smell that attracted Tara. Tara always thought it was weird she enjoyed Amber's smell. Wes came over and hugged Tara, Tara didn't enjoy the hug like she did with Amber's.

Though it was a small hug between Tara and Wes, Amber felt a tinge of jealousy in her heart. She rolled her eyes looking elsewhere until Wes let go of Tara and walked back to sit next to Chad. "So how do you guys feel about first day of senior year", Chad said starting up a conversation with everyone.

"Don't even get me started", Mindy said as she sighed and took out a bag of cheetos and began to snack on them. She didn't really care how early it was in the morning, to her cheetos could be ate at anytime even while shitting.

Tara sat next to Amber and leaned her head on Amber's shoulder which caused Wes to give her some glares. Amber smirked at Wes as she knew exactly why Wes looked so bothered. He was jelly.

The bell had rung seconds after Tara had sat next to Amber. "So how do I figure out where my classes are", Wes said stuffing his hands into his jeans pockets. "You go to the front entrance of the school", Amber said sarcastically causing Wes to scoff at her.

"Dumbass", Amber whispered under her breath as she looked at Tara who snickered a bit at Amber's comment.

"WHAT'D YOU SA-", Wes said angrily as Mindy immediately cut him off by kicking his ankle causing him to use every curse word in the book.

"I'm telling your mom this", Amber said snickering as she dragged Tara by the hand to the front entrance of the school. Amber walked up first and got a slip with her name on it which showed where her classes where and which period they where.

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