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Wes :)

Wes :)
So what are we now?

I'm not sure

Wes :)
That's okay.
Take your time :)
Read 7:56

Tara wasn't sure as to what her and Wes where. She had gotten that text on her walk to school, that meant she could tell Amber right when she got there. See Tara liked Wes but she wasn't sure if she liked him that way.

She wasn't gonna question it anymore and focused on getting to school. There she saw Amber, Wes, Chad, Mindy, and Liv, Tara walked up ready to be greeted by Amber. But no instead Amber told everyone she was gonna head to class early and then left to go inside school.

Wes smiled at Tara and patted the spot next to him. Tara smiled slightly and sat next to Wes where he instantly grabbed her hand, Tara felt uncomfortable but didn't wanna say anything. That's when Wes got up with Tara still holding her hand and announced him and her where dating.

They all clapped like it was some big announcement, that's when Mindy headed inside school leaving everyone there.

"What's her deal", Wes said in a cocky voice. Nobody answered him and he went on his phone and let go of Tara's hand, Tara decided she was gonna go head inside.

"Hey I'm gonna go", Tara said getting up and leaving before Wes could say anything. Tara wasn't all that excited about the relationship, if anything she was more worried about Amber. School hadn't started yet and there she saw Mindy talking to Amber.

"Wes and Tara are official", Mindy said to Amber in a sympathetic look, Tara was confused as to why Mindy would tell Amber but decided to not think much of it.

"Oh", was all Amber said as anyone could visibly see the look of sadness on her face.

"Hey guys", Tara said walking up to Mindy and Amber interrupting their somewhat of a conversation. Mindy didn't say anything and left to go to her class.

"Hi Amber", Tara said in a soft voice, it was obvious Amber was upset but Tara wasn't sure why. She sat down putting her backpack on her chair and getting out her supplies for school.

Amber didn't greet Tara back but instead messed with her fingernail polish scratching off small pieces as they fell on the desk. Tara got more concerned, Amber didn't greet her? Didn't even look at her? Hasn't talked to her? No good morning text?

Tara was so confused but decided to use leftover of a paper to make a note.

What's wrong?

Tara passed the note to Amber, and in a instant Amber crumbled the note in her hand and got up throwing it in the trash. Tara frowned. What's so wrong with Amber?

Amber also had her airpods in which made Tara wonder what she was listening to. She stared at Amber for no reason at all and took in all her features.

Amber's curved nose, natural blush, soft shiny hair, her perfect dark brown eyes. Tara knew how beautiful Amber was and it always made her heart flutter. Thinking about Amber in a more then a friend way scared Tara.

I'm not gay. I'm not gay. I'm not gay.

Tara kept repeating that in her head over and over again as she took small glimpses at Amber who hadn't looked her way once. Tara bobbed her leg up and down, was she gay?

She refused to believe it. It's not like she was homophobic or anything but her mom was. If she was gay what would her mom say? What would her mom do? What would her mom think?

Amber kept thinking about Tara and Wes. A couple? Really? Amber could do better. Amber was overwhelmed with jealousy and sadness. She put her head down unusual of her to do.

Tara looked over to see Amber with her head down turned towards the window she sat next to. Tara was concerned Amber was never this sad.

Tara didn't wanna bug Amber and paid attention to what the teacher was doing on the board. 2nd period was the same to, Amber was still quiet and having her head down. 2nd period zoomed by as everyone packed their stuff up.

Tara wanted to ask Amber to talk but knew Amber would find a excuse not to. She decided to show up at Amber's house instead after school I mean Amber wouldn't mind right?

After school everyone left quickly, eager to go home or hang with friends. Tara wasn't one to rush packing up, so she slowly packed up as Amber was the first kid out of class.

Since Tara was still in the classroom, Amber asked Mindy if she could hang out with her. Mindy didn't have anything to do as usual and said yes.

Once Tara got out she couldn't find Amber no where, Amber's car was gone so she thought Amber was already on her way home. So she got a ride from Wes to Amber's house.

When they arrived Amber's car wasn't there. Tara got a bit worried and just told Wes to drop her back off at her house, Wes sighed and drove back a bit quickly.

Meanwhile Amber and Mindy where hanging out. Mindy was the only one who knew about Amber's feelings for Tara. "Amber you'll find someone new," Said Mindy as they drove to McDonald's.

"Yeah but I've liked Tara for...years basically", Said Amber as she looked out the window seeing houses and small businesses passing by her.

Mindy didn't say anything but nodded, Mindy knew how Amber felt. They arrived at McDonald's shortly after ordering as many things as they wanted.

Tara sat on her living room couch watching TV. She put on one of her favorite shows but still her mind raced with thoughts of her and Amber together.

Ever since she started dating Wes Amber's been so distant and she hates it. She needs Amber. She wants Amber.

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