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It's been a week since the group sleepover, both Tara and Amber moved past Tara's mistakes. They where happy and spending more time with each other each day, today the whole group was supposed to go to the movies to see the new Stab movie, everyone was excited. Wes was basically out of the group now, he got a new chick, and hanged out with his popular asshole of friends so everything was peaceful. Amber was anxiously waiting for the end of the day, she NEEDED to see the new Stab movie. Tara had to hear it all though, all of Amber's complaining "why does class take so long?" "What time is it Tara?" "When does this class end?" "What time is the movie?".

That's all Tara heard for the whole day until the end of school, Amber and Tara where gonna ride together to the movies. Liv was gonna get a ride from Chad and Mindy. During the ride there Tara swore they almost got in a car crash due to how fast Amber was driving. SHE NEEDED TO SEE THAT MOVIE. Tara found it really cute how excited Amber was about this. Once they arrived Amber sprinted out of her car and up the stone stairs to the entrance of the theater, she entered and didn't even wait for Tara. Chad and Mindy had arrived as Tara saw their car pull up in the parking lot.

"Where's Amber?" Mindy asked once she got out of Chad's car.
"Inside" Tara said, she opened the door to find her girlfriend with soda and popcorn in her hands already. Tara laughed and then ordered some herself.
"Who's paying" Tara asked.
"ME?" Chad said a proud smile across his face.
"That's not something to be proud of dumbass" Mindy said and walked next to Tara and leaned against the counter. Liv laughed a bit, everyone eventually got their stuff. When they all turned around though Amber was gone, she was just behind them.
"Amber's scary when it comes to Stab" Liv said shakily laughing.
Tara nodded furiously and then they all went into the dim lighted theater room.

They all looked around and eventually found Amber, Tara sat next to her. Once the movie started the dim lighted room slowly went dark. Amber almost squealed, she was so excited, Tara was happy about how excited Amber was, it made her happy.
Throughout the movie Amber's grin slowly turned into a glare, Tara was confused. Didn't Amber like Stab? Once the movie was over Amber was devastated.
"I hate that movie..." Tara laughed a bit, the movie was not as exciting as expected. Everyone mutually agreed that the movie was not that good.

"How bout we go to the arcade or something?" Chad said, he ALWAYS had a plan B.
"Why not"
Chad smiled and marched his way out the door, Liv followed. Once Tara and Amber got in Amber's car Amber immediately went on a rant about how the movie did not follow the story line and how it was overall a crappy movie.
All Tara did was nod in agreement, she wasn't a big Stab fan so she didn't really say anything on the matter. Amber followed Chads car to the arcade, once they pulled out the one who hopped out of their car first was Chad this time. He must've been excited about the arcade.

Everyone went in, little kids and teenagers roamed around or where playing games.
"We should get some pizza" Mindy recommended.
"We just ate pop-"
"Ok let's get pizza" Liv said and walked ahead of everyone. They all ordered and sat down at one of the big tables. The conversation for that time was whether or not pepperoni or cheese pizza was better. Once the pizza arrived everyone digged in, the pizza at the arcade was probably the best. Everyone quickly finished and separated to go play games.

Mindy went with Chad and Liv and Tara went with Amber. They played and laughed, Amber was a expert and the games here. Tara...not so much. After Amber beat Tara at another game for the 100th time she got up and went to a claw machine. Their was a brown teddy bear that was holding a heart. Though Amber thought it was the cheesiest thing every she was DESPERATE to get that teddy bear for Tara. Though she might've been good at the other arcade games that involved screens Amber was not good at the claw machine.
"Let me see" Tara said pushing Amber aside, Tara had gotten the teddy bear first try. She grabbed it from the bottom of the machine and handed it to Amber.
"Why'd you need it?" Tara asked.
"I was trying to get it for you" Amber said as she handed back the teddy bear to Tara.

Tara took it and held onto it tightly, her palms where sweaty as hell and her face was heating up. Tara looked around and then gave Amber a quick peck on her lips. Amber felt she was gonna have a heat stroke, she started blushing furiously. Chad appeared ruining the moment. He yelled at them to hurry up and that it was time to go.
They followed Chad outside the building, they all said their goodbyes. After Tara got in Amber's car, so did Amber. Obviously.
"I really appreciate the bear" Tara said trying to spark up a conversation
"I really appreciated the kiss" Amber said. They both stayed silent, to flustered to say anything else.

This time there was no drama between them, they where both happy. Amber pulled up to Tara's house, she walked her to the door. It was awkward, nobody did anything. Amber then hugged Tara, it was such a warm hug and Tara wished it could last forever. Amber pulled back and then said goodnight to Tara.
"I love you"
"I love you too, Amber"
Amber grinned, god Tara loved Amber's smile so much. Amber then walked away and waved bye to Tara. Amber waited until Tara shut the door and then she drove off.

♡Sweethearts♡ •Tara x Amber•Where stories live. Discover now