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Tara didn't know where to go so she just followed Mindy around hoping to find Amber. Mindy went to the bar area to get her and Tara a drink.

"Amber told me what happened." Mindy said and then took a sip of beer slowly. Her eyes scanning the area. Tara sighed.

"Yeah, I wanna apologize and at least get to talk to her." Tara said putting her beer on the counter and looking at Mindy sadly.

"You really fucked up bro." Mindy said looking at Tara in a 'i feel bad for you' sort of way.

"Do you know where Amber is?" Tara asked slowly, Mindy shook her head no.

"Oh shit I gotta go sorry." Mindy said her eyes focused on this one girl across the house from her and Tara.

Tara smiled sarcastically and leaned against the counter not taking a sip of her beer. That's until Amber came in quickly trying to get a drink and then leave.

"Amber." Tara said looking at Amber with pleading eyes. Amber looked at her with a sad look in her eyes.

"Yes?" Amber said a bit harsh, Tara deserved it though she broke Amber's heart.

"Can we please talk?" Tara asked moving closer to Amber. Amber backed away a bit as she closed the fridge.

"Meet me in my room in 2 hours." Amber said and walked away, Tara nodded and leaned against the counter again.

She had found Liv and Mindy talking so she decided to go over there. Pushing through people in the house.

"Oh sorry for leaving you Tara." Mindy said laughing unusually to much. Tara smiled and just listened to Mindy and Liv's convo.

2 hours passed by in a flash which meant that Tara could finally talk to Amber. Amber's room door was open so Tara walked in and shut it behind her seeing Amber sitting on the bed.

"So?" Amber said looking at Tara. Tara sat down on Amber's bed next to her.

"Amber I'm so sorry", Tara said looking at Amber, Amber didn't say anything but nodded slowly. She looked so sad.

"I didn't mean to lead you on", Tara said almost bursting into tears. Amber sighed and pulled Tara into a hug.

"It's okay Tara", Amber said in Tara's ear as she rubbed her back. Tara relaxed her head on Amber's shoulder.

And that's when she realized, she wanted Amber, she loved Amber. Amber was always there for her, Amber always comforted her, Amber loved Tara and Tara loved Amber.

Amber backed out of the hug and looked at Tara's shocked eyes like she had just realized something.

"Tara are you okay", Amber asked putting a hand on Tara's shoulder. Tara made eye contact with Amber.

"Amber I think I'm in love with you", Tara said blurting it out, she didn't mean to it just came out. Amber scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

"Wait what?" Amber said taking her hand of Tara's shoulder. "You have a boyfriend? And your straight aren't you?" Amber asked curiously.

"I don't love Wes, I love you Amber and it's so sudden I should have just realized sooner." Tara said fidgeting with her fingers as she looked at Amber's still confused face.

"Tara are you sure? Are you fucking with me right now?" Amber asked not saying anything to Tara's small confession.

"Please Amber I'm not fucking with you, lately you've been the only thing on my mind, and when you kissed me I enjoyed it, I liked it. When Wes kisses me I don't feel anything but when you did I felt something." Tara admitted.

"Oh." Was all Amber said as she looked like she was still processing what Tara had said.

"I want to have something with you but you know how my mom is." Tara said sadly.

"I've known you for 5yrs of course I know how your mom is." Amber said laughing a bit. Tara laughed a bit with her and it went awkwardly silent again.

"We could just keep us a secret." Tara said, it was sort of a good plan to Amber.

"Yeah but you have to break up with Wes, I'm not gonna just let you cheat on him with me." Amber said.

"I will I promise." Tara said, Amber nodded slowly.

"Ok well we should go." Amber said grabbing Tara's hand and leading her out of the room. Before Amber could open the door Tara turned her around and gave her a quick kiss.

Amber didn't have time to kiss back but Tara has already opened the door. Tara then was the one leading Amber out of her room.

They walked downstairs and had a good time, everyone was basically drunk except Wes. If his mom found out he would be grounded until he died.

Before things ended at the party Tara went up to Wes,"Wes can we talk." She said.

"Oh? Ok." Wes said walking to the kitchen with Tara. Everybody had left except Tara, Wes, Mindy, Chad, and Liv, and obviously Amber.

"This isn't working." Tara said as soon as they reached the kitchen.

"We where fine today what the fuck Tara." Wes said anger in his voice.

"Wes I wanna break up it's as simple as that." Tara said to Wes.

"I didn't even do anything we where fine a hour ago what the hell is your deal Tara." Wes said, he was on the brink of yelling but he didn't want anyone else seeing him being broken up with.

Amber then walked in before Wes lost his shit. "Bro she said she doesn't wanna be with you no more calm down and get over it." Amber said harshly.

"Fuck you both." Wes said and walked out, he grabbed his things and slammed the door.

Nobody questioned it at all. Soon everybody else started leaving.

"I'm gonna go okay Amber." Tara said grabbing her stuff.

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow." Amber said smiling, Tara smiled back and left. She got into Mindy's car and drove off.

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