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It's been a month and Tara and Amber have been doing really good, there hasn't been any drama between them. Tara still hasn't told anyone about her and Amber, she wasn't ready. Every year in Woodsboro they had a fair, games and rides it was really fun and everyone was excited. It was this afternoon after school. Chad already had plans for it, buy tickets, go on ALL the rides, get food, and then have a group sleepover again. It was a good plan and everyone liked it.

*Time skip🧐*

After school everyone headed to their houses just to get ready, get some warmer clothes on since it was going to be a lil cold later on that night. After everyone was ready Chad picked everyone up in his car, he had a big car for whatever reason. They arrived at the fair and all of them immediately got out, they bought their tickets and voted on which ride they should go on first. Of course everyone voted for the rollercoaster.

After waiting in line for forever they all got on, Tara and Amber Infront, Mindy behind them and Chad and Liv behind Mindy. The person who was in control of the ride pressed a button that made the ride to start lifting up, it was one of those rollercoasters that take forever to get up until the drop. Once they got to the top Tara grabbed Amber's hand and held it tightly. Then the rollercoaster dropped, Tara was screaming for her life, Amber was laughing and screaming because it was fun, Mindy had her hands up and Liv and Chad managed to still basically make out during the ride.
"WOOOOOOO" Mindy screamed happily.
"NOOOOOOO" Tara said grabbing Amber's hand tighter and tighter each second.
"AHHHHHH" Amber screamed smiling while looking at Tara.

After the ride Tara got out, terrified and traumatized.
"Never again" Tara said letting go of Amber's hand.
Amber, Mindy, Chad and Liv laughed at how terrified Tara was, they voted again. They all voted for that ride that looks like a alien spaceship and spins you around so that you can't get up.

They all got in standing next to each other, The person in charge of the ride said the rules and then a minute or 2 after she started the ride. Screaming and the fair music could be heard, Amber turned her head and looked at Tara's face. Amber adored Tara, her nose, her eyes, her lips, her jawline. Amber loved it all. Tara turned her head and looked at Amber, in that moment it felt like everything around them was gone and it was just them 2. Until the ride stopped it ruined their moment, they got out and of course they all voted. Everyone now voted on that ride that takes forever to go super high and then it drops fast.

Amber hated that ride with all her heart, she was terrified of that ride. Tara liked it though it was fun, Amber only got on because of Tara she wasn't planning on going on that ride that night. Amber was trying to control her breathing the higher they got.
"Amber it's okay" Tara said reassuringly, she grabbed Amber's hand. It calmed Amber down, and then the ride dropped. Amber screamed so loud it shocked everyone. Once they got off Amber sat down at a bench and took a breather.
"Fuck that ride" she said standing up and dusting herself off. Everyone awkwardly laughed still concerned about Amber. The rest of the rides where kinda boring so Chad decided to go get food instead and then they would go on the ferris wheel.

Chad left and then came back with hotdogs, pizza and slushies. Everyone thanked him and began eating talking about random stuff. After eating Chad zoomed over to the ferris wheel. Mindy got in with some girl she had been checking out, Chad and Liv got in one together and then Tara and Amber got in one.
"So...." Amber said awkwardly, Tara looked at her and then away.
"Isn't this supposed to be like where people kiss" Tara asked trying to hint the fact she wants to kiss.
"We should maybe be cheesy and like kiss" Tara said trying her best to make it not so awkward.
Amber moved closer to her and turned Tara's head. Amber looked at Tara's lips and then back at Tara's eyes. Tara was the one to initiate the kiss. Amber's lips where so soft, so where Tara's. They held that kiss until the ride ended which was like 20seconds later.

Tara got out, she helped Amber get out and then they met up with Chad, Liv and Mindy. "That was nice" Liv said blushing like crazy
"Yeah" Tara said and smiled. They all went to Tara's house for the sleepover, they all decided to sleep in Tara's room to bug her. Chad and Liv slept on the floor next to Tara's bed Mindy slept on the opposite side and then Amber slept with Tara. When everyone was asleep Amber said
"I love you Tara"
Tara smiled.
"I love you too Amber, so much" Amber smiled back and then closed her eyes. Tara stared at Amber for a few seconds until she closed her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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