Episode 6

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Izumi pov

After my talk with all might yesterday I decided to start avoiding kacchan antil I decide what to do I love kacchan but all might is right I can't tell him the truth and I can't lie to him either but he said I can keep my secrets for as long as I want.... AHHHHH!   My love for kacchan  blinds me.

Third pov

With that on mind Izumi started to avoid bakugo and not only... See started to avoid her mum, Inko.. Masaru and mitsuki (bakugo's mum and dad)  which she had a special bond with...

And with they have had enough! Mitsuki, Masaru and Inko took action.. And decided to try find out what's going on


They all sat down to talk about it
(I for Inko, Ms for Masaru and MI for mitsuki)

I:she's not talking to me eny more just like before the etrans exam mitsuki! You two are very close if she was to talk to someone it would be you you must know something.

Mi:No, she not talking to me as much either... When I bring the The subject up she always changing it.

Ms:yeah I tried too won't talk to any of as and not only... Have you seen katsuki he is a mess she must not talk to him either.

I:yeah I asked and a few of her friends they said that she's acting.... Weird.

Mi:let me try if is going to talk she will talk only to me.

They both agreed with mitsuki.

Bakugo was hearing the hole conversion but knew all that facts already.


Izumi pov

I walk home from school without kacchan since I'm avoiding him and man it hurts. I change my way and go the beach where I trained to calm myself down, relax a little and think clearly tears roll down my face without me realizing it "what am I going to do?" I whisper.I tern my to the sound of foot steps behind me only to see kacchan looking down on me (she was Sitting down on the sand)  with a sad expression on his face that scared me a little kacchan don't usually shows his feelings like this...

After a few minutes of awkward and sad silence he hugs me tightly.
Before I notice I was breaking down crying in his arms.

Bakugo pov

I follow her because houses are close to each other and not because I wanna follow her I don't want to forse her since she is avoiding everyone including me... but then she changes her way so I followed she then stops to that beach sits down and tears started running down her face she then whispered 'what am I going to do' something  bothers her and I don't like that so I go to her look at her sad figure and hug her tightly.

She then breaks down on me crying "shhh everything is going to be fine I promise" she then says "kacchan I - I'm sorry... I lov-" she then cuts herself  Pushes me away fast and gently. And just started running away I was shocked and confused she  obviously was going to say I love you. WITAF!

"I love you too "I Whisper sadly as I see her run away...

Izumi pov

I - I I CAN'T DO THIS! I have to find a solution I can't just run away for ever. Without a second thought I run towards the bakugo house when I was there I start to banking on the door antie mitsuki opens the door and I quickly hug her so hard that we both fell on the floor still hugging and I continue to cry and shaking in her arms. She is the only person in the world who can help and understand me.

Mitsuki pov

I was thinking about izumi when I hear the door I quickly go and opening it only to be met with beautiful green eyes that belong to my one and only Izumi she was panting and crying with her eyes swollen she quickly hugges me and we both fell to the floor I hug her back I see Masaru coming and made signal to leave he
quietly leaves. "are you going to talk to me now?" I ask with a worried and kind voice.

She nods her head "Mmn"

Third pov

After 10 minutes mitsuki and Izumi are in her room talking about her and bakugo with Masaru lesten to their conversation from behind the door worried and curious. "I - I just don't know what to do. What if what I want to do hurt the people that I love? And al-  the 'person' is right?"
Izumi says. (mi for mitsuki and l for Izumi)

Mi:and what if he's wrong?.... Izumi look you can't know what will happen no one can... But I believe that if the people you love (bakugo) are worthy and true you will always find a way..have you talk to that 'people' ?

I:.... I-  b-but what if-

Mi:no buts! Have you talk to them? have you think of their feelings? Have you think or ask of what They! Want to do?

I:.. I-I... No.. no I haven't...

Mi:Izumi the right choice is always the hearts choice!... Izumi what is your heart telling you to do?

Izumi was eye wide for a moment and then says

I:thank you antie l - l have to go.

She said as she runs out of the house so fast that she didn't spotted her boyfriend.

Mitsuki then gets out of the room and says to her kid that she was listening to them "go she needs you"

Bakugo started to run as fast as he could after Izumi.

Izumi had gone to the beach to see if bakugo was still there she didn't see him anywhere antil...

"izu" said a voice behind her

She then terns around only to see her boyfriend panting in front of her.
(I for Izumi and b for bakugo)

I:k-kacchan  I-I'm sorr-

She was cut off by a pair of soft lips on hers

B:it's ok... What's happening now?

I:I don't know but... I know that I love you kacchan!

B:I love you too dambass!

Izumi started to tear up in his arms sure that she won't regret her choice

1058 words I hope you like it see ya in the next one bye!

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