shadow's and fear

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my father was at the police station answering
questions about that wooden box it turned out something did happen in that house
when police opened the box two jars both had human hearts in them
both hearts were preserved with formaldehyde who ever did that is twisted
but why are they questioning my father he only found the the damn box he didn't put those hearts in there .
the flickering lights have returned a shadow standing in the window of the attic is it watching me does it know i was there in the cellar ?
Rocy began growling and barking but this time it was at our basement Rocky became hostile towards whoever or whatever entered our home Rocky pulled me away from the basement pulled me to my room he stood gaurd waiting for the unknown invader to show itself it did in shadow form fear took over me i froze Rocky barking growing at this shadow then it left as my father's key entered the locked the shadow left
the light stopped flickering the shadow was gone Rocky would not leave my side .

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