Nobody Escapes

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Oscar told them one die
that the other soon soon
after maybe Marcus did believe it possible .

Marcus made it he hadn't left his home for two day he was terrified
he had nobody to talk to
because well who would
believe him so sat at hoping that whatever happened Randle doesn't happen to him.

it was late Marcus was about to go to bed
when his nightmare became real he found him being held with inhuman force Marcus tried to scream but his screams were stuck in his throat as he was literally being ripped in half slowly the pain Marcus felt must have been excruciating this force wanted him to suffer before he died .
they were done with with him for now.

later the police and medical examiners
came for Marcus body
sometime during the night Marcus body went
the forces from the Cherry Road house came
for him he like Randle
became part of the house their blood flows through the walls of that
house their flesh and bone helped to keep
the house strong it has been that way sense it was first built .
now the house has no need for more blood flesh and bone at least
for next ten years
the house on Cherry Road will seal itself off
untill it's ready for more.
people have tried and failed to burn down
the Cherry Road house
but it's protected..

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