do they think I'm nuts?

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Lauren ok start from the beginning.
Raven ok well there's an abandoned house across
from us its been that way for twelve years one night the lights in the attic of that house flickered on Rocky was went crazy barking at the cellar door of that house dad and i wanted
to see what was making Rocky bark like that dad
opened the cellar doors
he was able to go in Rocky tugged me back he wouldn't let me go
dad looked around found a lantern it dusty dark and from i do remember about that night an oder of copper and iron i couldn't figure out were that oder was coming from but i knew it wasn't natural. the following day dad wanted to go back this time i took my flash light and cellphone dad found
a wooden box with a dried substance all over it dad wanted to open i told him it probably was not good idea given what that dried substance might be so we called the police they opened the box they found two jars with human hearts preserved
in formaldehyde
the police took dad in for questioning then a shadow appeared in the doorway of my bed room
dads key turned the lock
the shadow left but dad
did not believe me when i told him.
Lauren i believe you
Horace so do i we know
there thing's that can never be explained
that house your father entered it again?
Raven yes why?
Lauren oh god
Raven what
Lauren tell me about about the night the stranger showed?
Raven he looked liked dad but he was void of emotion cold angry looking Rocky sensed he wasn't dad where's my dad is he alive?
Lauren i can not answer that for sure but we know people who can
but under no circumstances will you return to your home or that house
Raven showed her the text
who sent me this?
Horace we don't know
Raven i do mom did she has been protecting me

she told me before she
passed away
death shall have no dominion.

The house on Cherry RoadDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora