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Randle and Marcus
enter the house it dusty
dirty bloody they still moved forward thinking
they could debunk years
old evil they Marcus found some items to take but those items belong to the house everyone who has entered this house find
something to take.
nobody gets to keep what they take.
as it late the decided
sleep in the livingroom
everything was normal
until Marcus got jolted awake by a blood curdling scream a painful scream he looked
for Randle only to find find him hanging off the wall bloody by own intestines his screams were excruciating Randle slowly bleeding out but his blood was not on the floor it was nowhere to be seen randle screaming was to much as was the house
Marcus ran leaving his best friend to die there was nothing Marcus could do to save him once the house chose him.
Oscar saw Marcus run out of the house.
thinking they always think just because they
got out they will survive.

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