nanny cam

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Raven pov
well isn't this just fucking
glorious dad basically killed mom and almost killed me stubborn ass
now here I sit in a strange country in my mom's childhood home
starting over it's great house fully furnished modern TV and technology already hooked up but I'm alone
no friends the only people i know here if want to call that banshee people is Naomi yuck.
the the nanny cam or CCTV
aunt Lauren had those thing's hooked up all over that house and never I did ask why but i want to know if they are ok
i can hack into there CCTV and check on them
well it's my only option it's not like they answered my texts or calls so I'm forced to invade their privacy oh god the bedroom please don't be busy my eyes would burn forever seeing them naked ahhh
well here goes nothing
start with the front and garage cameras nothing their cars aren't even there i wonder if they parked in the back.
oh wait who is that man
oh shit what the fuck is going on in their house
where is Lauren and Horace oh no is that shit how could they find my aunts house .

there are more losses
be strong stay stafe.

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