some try to debunk

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Randle and Marcus
have been going around
debunking supernatural
their latest will be the infamous house on Cherry Road many myths about that abandoned old house .
who owned it they say
there is no owner of the Cherry road house on public record at least that's what some say .
that house seems to wait

Randle I'm gonna get some food and ask the store owner if he knows anything about you coming?
Marcus what no I'll just wait here let me know what the guy says.

MS.JAMES will there be anything else ?
Randle um yeah i was
wondering what you can
tell me about the house
on Cherry Road ?
MS.JAMES well i can tell
to stay clear of that house that kills who enter it uses your blood and bone will pump through
that house just like the others the house waits
feeds rebuilds
Randle yeah ok
MS.JAMES young man i don't know why you're here but use common sense when dealing with that house do not go in.

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