who are you?

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when i returned home with Rocky all the lights were off .
I thoght maybe dad went out with a friend.now it is eight at night and now i have no clue as to were my father is he still hasn't texted me or called come to think of it anytime dad goes out with his friends he leaves a note and dinner in the refrigerator and neither no note no dinner i keep looking at that house Rocky started barking this time he sounds like he going kill whoever he's barking at Rocky grabbed my shirt tugging me towards my room again this time Rocky managed pull the strap on my door shutting us both inside I'm scared because my dad went to that house and he hadn't returned
Rocky is in full protective
mode Rocky sits on my bed we both hear something or someone
outside my bedroom my dad is not here all i can do is pray however it is just leaves us be it hits the door Rocky begins barking and growing  again as it repeatedly slams into my
door turn the door knob the only thing I can
think of is screaming in the name of God go  back and leave us be.
it suddenly stopped .my father finally comes back
at midnight when i asked him why he didn't text or
call he was cold he was not my father he looked at me as if i were a stranger Rocky tugged at me pulling me from him .
Rocky growled at this stranger who looked like my dad yet he was not his cold eyes said that i used the name of god begging god to remove whoever that was in the lords name leave my father leave him i said those words with every ounce of courage i had within me .
It was not my father that stranger left but my father is now missing is he another victim to whatever is in that house
they say there are witches priest and others who understand
what is happening the question who will believe me a witch or priest  well personally
i believe a witch would be able to help but were do you find one.
i got it the university i go to the have classes on
different cults witches religions  hopefully i can find help there but Rocky and i can no longer stay here who knows what
those ghost are capable of.

certain spirits have been
known to appear as a loved one they can speak as them as well
however the spirits pretending to be a loved one are missing something the ability to show true emotion
they are often blank cold
void of emotion.

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