A peek in to the secrets

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Even death has a heart. 


She seemed to snap out of whatever she was thinking as he called her, well - after he called her twice.

When you don't call people with their not so real name they are bound to react like that. He knew the fact quite well.

But he had to admit this name game had made her even more mysterious. 

"Why don't we sit here." Sebastian suggested after they stood in front of each other for a good - five awkward minutes, he thinking why she hadn't left yet and she thinking - whatever the hell that had made her cry like that. Maybe?

"You wouldn't mind?" She asked me meekly. 

She liked this place. And God that made him so happy. "I don't own this place, so I guess I don't really have the right to mind."

So they sat there under the moolight which was on and off, the massive - giant clouds were at fault. The stars twinkled at them as they gazed at the sky completely comfortable in silence.

"So..." He began turning to look at her as a reflection she copied his action. "... why were you crying?"

He watched as her face fell. Way to go Sebastian - he mentally kicked himself. But not as hard as she did earlier. "Forget that question, you don't need to answer anything you don't want to." He said hurriedly.

Another long silence, he stared ahead holding his breath - praying that she wouldn't leave. 

This silence now was unlike the earlier one - it was suffocating. And Sebastian wanted to drown himself in that lake, he never had proved to be such a fool.

At that moment something caught his eyes - something or someone was standing on the footbridge over the lake. He watched horrified as the person climbed on to the railing and then ... jumped! 

The gasp next to him and the splash when the body collided in to the water - were at the same time. 

Before Sebastian's mind could function he found himself running towards the water and jumping in to it, the coldness engulfed him almost immediately. 


His name from her mouth sounded etheral. He would've turned around - swam back to her and demanded she said it again. But - who ever the jack a** person was that decided to die was successfully drowing in his own self pity right before him. He promised to himself that when he got his hand on the bast***, he would punch him so hard across his face.

As he dragged the suppossed thrashing bast*** in his arms up off the water he found out that unfortunately he couldn't throw his promised punch. Why? Because it wasn't even a he - it was a she and it was against his conscience and upbringing to raise a hand on a woman. What a lucky bi****!

He was panting beside the half conscious woman and watched Violet pushing her chest, checking her pulse and all that. It looked she knew what she was doing and she knew it well, there was experience, knowldge and confidence in her actions. 

She was a doctor - he decided. 



Half an hour have passed and they sat there shivering. Sebastian and the suicide girl - Meili, they were wet head to toe from being in the water and Violet was dripping from being hugged by a very crying, deppressed Meili who had been telling them about her painful story. Though they didn't understand half of it because Meili was sometimes getting too much emotional and speaking in her mother tongue - that was Chinese, which neither Sebastian or Violet knew. 

But they were there for Meili and that was what really counted.

"Meili..." Sebastian cleared his throat. "I think you should go back to your husband and have this pending conversation with him." 

"He's right Meili, tell him that you know he's cheating on you and than you can leave him - not this life." Violet said agreeing with Sebastian. "You just can't end a life - just like that..." Violet trailed off looking away.

Sebastian's head snapped up, he looked at the side of her face. To him, it felt like she wasn't telling this to Meili only - but to herself as well.



Hee hee... I've something sinister planned for this story. (Evil laugh)

Stay tuned to find out what that it. I assure you I can be pretty evil when I feel like it. ;)

Vote, comment and follow me if you've enjoyed reading this chapter.

Lots of love. Take care...

- Lara.

p.s:I've updated chapter 31 of "You're Still The One" as well.  http://www.wattpad.com/story/28800556-you%27re-still-the-one

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