The Sight of The Storm

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"Your name is a golden bell hung in my heart. I would break my body to pieces to call you once by your name."

-Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn

"Violet... hey."

Calling her rather too loudly Sebastian smiled as she looked halted on her steps and looked back at the direction where he had been standing like damned scarecrow for the last hour outside her hospital. This hospital seemed like his favorite place in the whole world now. Yes, it was a place filled with diseases, all those anti- bacterial things, blood, wound, despair and death. But this place also held his Violet and that one thing only overpowered all the other nose twitching things for him.

"Why are you here Sebastian, again?" She asked with a hint of annoyance after coming to stop right in front of him, next to the security man.

Sebastian shrugged nonchalantly. "You know why Violet. I want to take you out."

She crossed her arms. "Don't you have a job or something? How can one man be so persistent?"

"Do you really want me to answer that question?" He tilted his head with a teasing smile. "Because you know I can go on and on describing you all about the reasons of my persistence, for why I'm ignoring my - job - while my father is hounding me on phone to appear in his office. Should I answer honey, here? Or we can go somewhere nice and cozy and talk while we eat or something."

There was a moment of silence, Violet looked at him as if he had grown a head.

At that moment someone cleared their throat disrupting their - conversation. Both of them turned to see the security guy looking at them with all seriousness he seemed to possess almost all the time.

"I don't want to interfere mam but I don't want to see his pitiful face lurking around the hospital anymore, he just comes and stands beside me. The authorities might assume that I'm included into a conspiracy of some sort and that can be a possible threat to my job I has been doing with utmost loyalty since ten long years of my life."

Sebastian blinked while the security guy turned away like nothing happened, like he hadn't delivered a speech of some sort in his favor.

Violet was gaping as she looked away tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. As he kept his eyes trained on his favorite girl Sebastian caught his out of the blue biggest supporter's lips twitch into some sort of smirk, it looked like a smirk.



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