The Impatient Fate

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"It seemed as if some subtle current of recognition had passed between them... not as if they had met before... but as if they had come close several times until finally an impatient Fate had forced their paths to intersect." 

― Lisa Kleypas.

( Violet / Veronica's POV )

She half walked, half ran through the pavement and towards the hospital. Sebastian hot on her heels.

The stubborn guy had refused to leave her side, apparently he had heard her phone conversation and got his suspicion of this emergency not having anything to do with a patient, or anything usual in that case.

She had tried, she really had tried to drive him away. To push him away from herself... and the misery, the complications that was bound to come with her.

But this persistent guy seemed really keen on getting on the same boat as hers... and drown with her in the end. How could she save him from the obvious ruin? Or would he leave her when he gets to know...

And the hospital, the place which now worked as a nightmare in her wake and sleep, came to view.

She had thought to get away from this place, go far - far away from here and start afresh. But it seemed like fate definitely had something else planned for her.

Both of them stopped dead on their tracks at the sight of pure and utter chaos in front of them.

The whole area was swarmed with police. There were some FBI officers in their impeccable suits running around as well, unlike the cops their faces looked expressionless - almost robotic.

"What's going on, Violet?"

Sebastian's shocked tone jerked her out of the trance she was in. The noises of panicked people as the building was being evaluated, the high pitched sirens of police cars as they surrounded the whole building, the thudding of heavy boots of law enforcers as they ran across - all faded to the background.

Lifting up her head she let her helplessness show in her eyes clearly this time and watched as his own eyes furrowed with concern - for her.

Oh why, Sebastian? She almost sobbed but someone calling her name made her move her attention to the other direction.

A very tall man, a FBI guy was jogging towards her after one of the nurses gestured towards her and said something to the guy.

"Ms. Mendoza?" The man questioned her as he came to a stop right in front of her.

Violet just nodded.

"Officer Don Fredrick mam, from the FBI." He showed his badge. "We need you to answer some questions mam regarding the - hostage situation inside the hospital."

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