From the questions to the sweet solutions

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"Here I love you.

Here I love you and the horizon hides you in vain."

Pablo Neruda.

"So, you mean to say her name's Violet but you're sure that's not her real name that you found out with those freaky psychological craps of yours."

Leaning back on the bar counter Sebastian kept his glare intact on the floor. He didn't even need to look up at Oliver to know that he was scowling deeply.

Sebastian just nodded his head faintly in reply.

With the same tone hinting to a mix of number of emotions - all of which were negative for certain, Oliver asked again. "And you also have the doubt that she's a doctor?"

"Yes, 90% sure of that." Sebastian added thoughtfully, "The way she saved Meili's life and then took care of the burn on my feet - I know..." He trailed off recalling all the incidents of that night again. A sweet ache began in his chest which transformed to a pinch and then a blow of terrible pain fearing that he would never see her again - that he would never be able to spend precious time with her again.

Loud clicking of fingers before his face made him snap out of the memories and the terrible fears.

Sebastian looked up to see Oliver rolling his eyes at him. "What?" Sebastian asked.

"I just suggested that she could be a nurse and not a doctor or maybe a life guard or something like that." Oliver added, "You're whipped by the way."

Sebastian ignored his last bit and just pondered over what he said. "You can be right."

Oliver nodded, his frown deepening. "These are not enough... not enough Seb. Hell, why didn't you just take her phone number?"

Sebastian sighed frustrated. "Do you think she would have given me her phone number when she couldn't even trust me with her real name?"

"You don't know that! That could be really - for real - her real name!" Oliver threw his hands up exasperated. "For once in life, you could be wrong about your crazy psychological shit Seb."

Glaring at him Sebastian gritted out, "I'm never wrong about such things Oliver, you know that."

"Well, I also know that you never fell for someone - overnight! But look at you now." Oliver retorted back. "And all this after just a night of wild passion!" Oliver added.

A short moment of silence passed. 

"We didn't have sex." Sebastian voice came out in a whisper. His mouth carved up in a little smile. "We just slept - just holding each other."

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