What hurts the most

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"What hurts the most

was being so close

And having so much to say

And watching you walk away"

-Rascal Flatts.



"I've killed someone."

Those words! Those words were like a bucket full of water poured up on his head.

He kept his gaze steady on her moist eyes unblinking for a long minute. And then he chuckled, his eyes crinkled in humor as he dropped by her side and looked at the ceiling.

"You could have said - stop, Violet. Trust me, that would have worked too." He said, hint of a smile still lingering on his lip.

There was silence, for a long time there was just silence as they listened to their heavy breathing and galloping heartbeats getting steady slowly.

He was lying on his back next to her and was aware of the thick sexual hum between their bodies. He had to admit he had never felt such strong connection to any other women before. What was it with Violet that worked like a freaking magnet to him?

If needed, he would be more than willing to search for the answer taking his own sweet time - hours, days, months or years. It didn't matter how long.

Turning his head sideways he looked at Violet once more, the lone drop of tear that was rolling down her cheek a while ago had dried now - only the light strain up on her smooth skin was left.

Sebastian sighed and his eyebrows furrowed a little.

"It was the truth Sebastian." She whispered not looking at him.

Sebastian rolled over to his side to face her properly on the bed, his eyes trailed down her naked body and the affect of the sight on him was inevitable, he was sure his eyes must be shining in lust.

"What - that you're a killer Violet? I refuse to believe such a thing. You look..."

He couldn't complete his sentence as Violet spoke up looking his way. "Looks - can be deceiving."

She grabbed the sheets to cover her bare self noticing his eyes on her. "After all, how much do you know me?"

Her breath hitched suddenly realizing him scooting closer to her. "Then let me know about you, tell me about your likes - your dislikes... everything Violet. You're a killer - that can't be all about you."

He was aware that she saw the humor in his eyes at the last sentence. Right! What was she thinking? Was she expecting him to believe that she was murderer - with those innocent looks - he could only recognize her as an angel... his angel - not a devil holding a blood coated dagger in hand.

He internally sighed when he saw her visibly sagging in the pillows, the stiffness in her bare shoulders gone. He was relieved that she was not going to keep up with such jokes of hers pulling that serious face.

The cotton sheet was rumpled on her raising and falling chest as she breathed steadily. Sebastian had this urge to remove that cover off of her angelic body... but instead he surrounded his arms around her and dragged her even closer to him until both of them were pressed flushed against each other.

He craved to kiss that heavenly mouth of hers but instead he dropped a kiss on her forehead as she rested her head on his shoulder.

And they talked the rest of the night about all the things that seemed so unimportant - not necessary but they talked anyways because they wanted to. He whispered sweet nothings to her ear making her flesh tingle with sparkles as her eyes closed slowly.

He promised silently to the angel in his arms - he would take all possible measures next morning to make sure she stays with him forever... like this.



At one moment in sleep, Sebastian felt a feather light touch on his lips. In his blurry - uncertain dreams he felt as if a bottle of aphrodisiac was being sprayed all over his body as the touch firmed a bit more than before.

And when the touch was withdrawing from him slowly - he tried to open his eyes. He attempted to come out of his meaningless cage of dreams... but in vain.

He was running in his dream - aimlessly. A strange feeling of losing something sat heavy on his chest. As moments passed by that feeling dulled ever so slowly but it was still there pricking at his heart and he was painfully tossing around in the bed.

With a start Sebastian opened his eyes to meet the bright sunlight seeping in through the open window - he snapped his eyes shut with a low hiss. Then after blinking a few times when his eyes got adjusted to the daylight he opened them slowly once more and rolled to lay on his back.

His gaze was trained to the white ceiling.

His mind flashed all the memories of last night suddenly - Violet!

All traces of sleep were cruelly shaken off as he sprung up his body and looked at the vacant place of the bed next to him where she was resting last night.

A shock of panic so strong crossed his spine. Where was she?

No no no... he chanted over and over in his mind. He tried convincing himself that she must be in the washroom.

Before he even knew he was running towards the washroom. Throwing open the door he checked all the corners of the washroom, she wasn't there.


The t-shirt she was wearing last night was hung next to the towel. Reaching out he grabbed the t-shirt and brought it close to his nose. Her sweet scent was still there as he inhaled.

The t-shirt still clutched in his hands he sprinted at the direction of his kitchen to find it empty as well.

The panic turned to anguish and hopelessness as Sebastian staggered in the living room. He stood in the middle of his living room staring blankly at the closed main door. She was gone!




Finally she's gone! I was waiting for this part since the beginning. Now it's turn for the twists.

Let me know if you've liked this chapter. Please don't forget to vote, comment and follow me.

Lots of love.

- Lara.

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