Day 5

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| Hi!! It has been a long time since I have updated this story so the way I write, and the plot might not line up but I do want to finish it for you guys! I hope you enjoy it! 800 words |

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I cursed at myself as I ripped Stan's sheets off of me and jumped up.

"What?" Stanley rubbed his eyes as he slowly lifted himself from his bed. As he watched Y/n shuffle under his bed to find her shoes, he couldn't help think about what she had told him previously. He had known that the girl was hiding something but he wasn't expecting her to be holding onto such a burden. (Again, I am changing things from when I had started this story because it has been over a year and I have another idea for the plot so just go with it.)

"My dad. He's going to kill me! He never lets me stay out later than 7 pm and it's..." Y/n glanced at the clock on the side dresser and her mouth fell open, "... how the fuck is it already 11?!" She rushed and slid on her socks and shoes, tying them fast.

"It's already 11?" Stanley removed the bedsheets and slowly got up, showing his blue stripped pajama's causing Y/n to stop and smile at him. He smiled softly and pulled her into his chest, his hands running softly through her hair. Y/n instantly melted into Stanley's arms, which were holding warmth and comfort...and he smelt like caramel...

"Y/n...relax...I'll take you home and make sure nothing happens." He rubbed her back softly as her breathing slowly relaxed. 

"But, he can't see you or..." Y/n started to freak out again causing Stan to slowly grab her hands and sit on the bed, "I would rather die than watch you get hurt or not be there to prevent you from getting hurt." Y/n started crying softly causing Stan to gently place his hand on her cheek and wipe away her tears with his thumb. "I will not let anything hurt you, no matter what..." Stanley looked deep into Y/n's eyes with passion and love, "'re the best thing to come into my life..." Y/n couldn't help but smile and leaned in as Stan connected their lips, his hands moving to cup her face and pull her closer.

Stanley pulled away first and peaked her lips again before he got up and changed very quickly into shorts and a button-up shirt. As he slid on his socks and sneakers he told Y/n to climb out the window and wait by the bikes and that he would be there soon, so that's what she had done.

After waiting for a few minutes Stanley came outside the front door and quickly hopped on his bike and fastened his helmet on his head. Y/n had already been on her silver bike and quickly buckled her helmet under her chin and started peddling down the street with Stan close behind. As they rode down the streets of Derry with the wind hitting them softly, Y/n's mind scrambled with thoughts about how much trouble she was going to be in for staying out all night and not sneaking back in before they had caught her. As they sped to her street and eventually got to her house, sliding the bikes under the porch as y/n was not allowed to leave or have ANYONE over. 

As Stan ran silently to her window and slipped in, Y/n walked up the porch steps and opened the door, entering as quite as possible. Still, she was heard by her father, who jumped up from his worn-down chair in the living room, a beer bottle still in his hand and reeking of booze.

 "Where the hell have you been?" He yelled and stomped towards me. 

"I went out for a walk last night and fell asleep in the woods." y/n replied while fiddling with her fingers anxiously, trying to push past her father before she felt his huge hand grab her arm and throw her back into the wall. 

"Bullshit. Where the fuck where you?" He yelled, getting closer with his hand gripping the glass beer bottle tighter, his knuckles white.

 "I went out with my friends..." She muttered, backed up against the wall and tears threating to fall from her eyes. With a quick blow, the glass shattered next to her head and beer getting everywhere.

 "Dad!" She screams, the tears falling down her face. Stanley runs in with a bat in his hand and anger written on his face. 

"Get the fuck away from her or else!" He yelled at him, holding the bat up high to swing. Y/n's dad laughs as he walks up to him, thinking he won't do anything but is proven wrong when Stanley swings and knocks him out cold. Stan drops the bat and immediately runs towards her and hugs her tightly, she hugs him tightly and sobs on his shoulder. Slowly she drifts off to sleep and Stan picks her up and places her in her bed, calling the losers and telling them to meet them there before he ties up her dad so if he gets up, he can't hurt anyone.

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