Day 5 (Continued)

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When she had woken up, she was in Stanleys arms, in her bed. She cuddled him as she was still shaken up from what had happened a few hours ago. 

"How did you sleep, honey?" Stan whispered in her ear softly as he stroked her hair. She purred softly and snuggled into him deeper before responding, "Good, what happened to him?" she asked with anxiety lased in her voice. She closed her eyes, relaxing into Stan's touch. 

"He's in the kitchen, tied up. I didn't know what else to do..." He muttered, still stroking Y/n's hair. Y/n could hear his heartbeat, it was really relaxing, and he smelt like mint. It was so relaxing being in his arms. She felt safe. That was until she had saw the red balloon outside her window. 

"Stan..." Y/n muttered, shaking him so he would open his eyes and when he did, she was still looking out the window causing him to follow her gaze. When he had saw the balloon, a gasp slipped from his lips as his hands tightened around her. Suddenly, the red balloon popped, and the door slammed shut loudly and the door locked on its own. Shaking, Y/n looked at Stan who was staring at the door in fear and disbelief. A scream broke them both from their thoughts. "Dad..." Y/n mumbled. Although her father had done so much to her, she still cared about her. Yes, there was a lot of her that despised him in every way, but she couldn't ignore the fact that he had kept her around even after her mother's death. Although he wasn't the best father by a long shot and she did NOT love him, she still cared. Walking to the door, she turned the handle, and it wasn't locked. Opening the door, she quickly ran to the kitchen. Stanley was frozen in shock that Y/n would leave the safety of her room to go save her father that he didn't even notice the door shutting and locking. When Stanley had walked to the door and tried to open it, it was locked. 

"Y/N!" Stanley screamed as he slammed and bashed his body against the door as hard as he could. That was until he heard the flute. It was the tune of Pop Goes the Weasel. The hair on his arms stood up as he turned around and saw the painting lady playing the flute with her sharp teeth showing. He instantly started banging on the door harder and trying to get out as the fear consumed him. 

Y/n ran into the kitchen and stood shocked with fear as she saw her father, dead and decomposed with flies swarming him and his mouth sewn shut. Backing up slowly she backed into something. Jumping forward, she snapped her head around and screamed at the sight of Pennywise. "STAN!" Y/n screamed, scared to take her eyes off of Pennywise. Reaching over, she had grabbed the fireplace poker and held it firmly. Taking deep breaths, her chest felt tight as she stared down Pennywise who was laughing.  As Pennywise walked towards Y/n, she had swung the poker in his side causing him to fall on the ground with a thud. Then, Y/n instantly stood above him and plunged the poker straight into Pennywise's head, causing her to back up and him to stop breathing. He shook on the floor like a worm and a fish. Backing up, Y/n watched as Pennywise stood up, poker still in his head, going all the way through. He rushed towards Y/n with his mouth open, grabbing her and chomping down on her shoulder. Screaming out at the top of her lungs, Y/n continuously punched and kicked at Pennywise with no avail. 

"Y/N!" Stanley screamed at the door trying to break through it. He looked back and realized that the lady wasn't there anymore. Looking around, he grabbed her history textbook that was on her desk and threw it through the door. Looking at the small hole made, he used his leg to kick the hole bigger and climbed through it. Running into the kitchen, he saw Y/n's father, then saw Y/n, in Pennywise's mouth fighting and screaming. Stanley instantly grabbed the poker and pulled it out of his head and yelled, "What the fuck do you think you're doing to her?" Before he shoved the poker straight through Pennywise's heart and almost into Y/n. 

Y/n jumped out from in front of Pennywise and ran to Stan's side. Suddenly, the door is opened revealing the Losers who look over at Pennywise. Stan picked up the broken beer bottle that was still on the ground from the fight earlier. The losers rushed in and grabbed their own weapons and stood next to us except from Eddie. Eddie grabbed Y/n from Stans shoulder and helped you get to the floor next to the sink. Eddie ran and grabbed the medicine from the bathroom and cleaned my shoulder and then carefully placed butterfly bandages on her shoulder.  

Stan was the first to attack Pennywise again, who was still standing up, laughing. Stan plunged the broken beer bottle into Pennywise's abdomen which also started to bleed. Pennywise was covered in not just his own blood but Y/n's blood as well. Beverly was next and swung a bat at Pennywise's head, breaking the bat against his head. Then, Bill was next and slapped Pennywise with the chain until Pennywise grabbed the chain and aggressively threw Bill across the room and he landed with a loud thud. Pennywise then disappeared just as fast as he had appeared. 

Beverly and Ben ran over to Bill to make sure he was alright, which he was. He had bruised his hip and arm. Stanley and Richie both ran over to Y/n. Stanley was first to slide up next to me and he pulled me into a hug, my head resting on his shoulder. "Don't ever leave my sight again." He told Y/n protectively. "I will do anything to protect you. You are the most important person to me in this whole wide world." Looking up at Stan, Y/n leaned up to meet Stans face and kisses him softly. Richie wraps his arms around Eddies waist and kisses his cheek.

As Y/n had started to get up from the floor with Stan and Eddie's help, she walked over to her dad who was dead. Not decomposed, no flies. His head had been snapped and his insides ripped out, laying on the ground next to him. Y/n couldn't help but break down in sobs as she saw him, and the losers couldn't do anything but hug her as she cried.

After some time, Y/n had composed herself and she looked over to Beverly, "Could I stay with you for a bit?" Beverly thought about it but then she nodded, "Yeah you just have to be quiet, and I can sneak you in." 

"I'll ride you there." Stan and bill said at the same time making both of the girl's blush. They all headed off on their own after hugging each other and Y/n, Stan, Bev, and Bill started on their way to Beverly's. When they had arrived there, Bev and Y/n had hidden their bikes behind the house. Y/n walked up to Stan, and he sighed, "I'm not perfect, but I'm trying my hardest to do everything to keep you safe." Y/n smiled and wrapped her good arm around his neck, "I know baby, you do amazing." Stan smiled and kissed her softly. 

"We will meet at the Quarry tomorrow at 11." Bill spoke to everyone but not loud as to make sure Bev's father didn't hear anything. "Okay, we will be there." Beverly smiled and walked into her house after saying goodnight to Bill. Stanley, still having Y/n close said, "One more..." before he kissed Y/n again passionately. After he had pulled away, he gave her a hug. "I love you baby bird, goodnight." He smiled at her. "Goodnight Stan, I love you." Y/n spoke as Bill and Stan rode off, knowing he heard her. 

After waiting a bit, Y/n climbed up the fire escape stairs and sat next to Bev's window, waiting for her to open the door. She did after a few minutes and Y/n climbed in. Beverly was setting up a small bed for Y/n out of blankets on the closet floor. "If he opens my door, he won't see you in my closet." Y/n nodded and yawned, tired after everything that had happened in one day. As soon as the bed was done, Y/n flopped onto the bed and instantly fell asleep.

|So, I know I haven't been updating as much or following the storyline I had set up in the beginning but, I started this story 2 years ago and am now better at writing and have a better idea for the plot. Please just bear with me and please check out my x reader book! Thank you! |

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