Day 1 (Continued)

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   "You wish Tozier," A boy laughed as some guys appeared behind the guy with glasses and the guy with curly hair. "Look out! Behind you!" Y/n shouted. They turned to see 3 other guys cornering them all in the alleyway. Y/n felt a cold hand on her wrist which pulled her up and met eyes with the boy with curly hair. "Looks like the Jew has a girlfriend," The boy named Bowers smirked. "Ge-get out o-of here B-Bowers!" The boy with dirty blonde hair yelled at Bowers. "Wh-what was that Bi-Billy?" Bowers made fun of his stutter and the backed up at the sight of a cop car. He pushed Y/n down once more before saying "I'll be back, just you wait," then him and his friends were gone. Y/n felt the now-familiar cold hands lift her back up.  "Are you okay?" The girl with ginger hair said as she made sure Y/n wasn't bleeding.  "Yeah, I'm okay" Y/n said while smiling at the ginger and got a smile in return. Y/n turned and looked at the boy with curly hair. "Thanks for helping me up" she smiled at him. "I-I'm Bill" The boy with dirty blonde hair said to Y/n. "I'm Y/n," she said to them. The boy with glasses spoke up and said while taking Y/n's hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you Hot Stuff". "Stop assaulting her Richie!" the small boy spoke up and looked jealous causing Richie to pull away. "I'm Eddie and that's Richie," he finished. "Im Beverly but you can call me Bev," The ginger said while smiling. "I'm Ben," The overweight boy said. (I'm sorry, I love you, Ben) Everyone looked at the curly head and waited for him to speak. "I'm Stanley," He sighed. Y/n nodded and looked at everyone, "I just moved here from California so I was just taking a ride around," Bev smiled and spoke out "Well you can join us, we are heading over to the quarry," Y/n smiled and happily shook her head. I finally have friends... Y/n smiled while getting back onto her bike. Y/n glanced at Stan and softly smiled. Maybe I'll like it here.... she biked behind Bill and Bev next to Stan and Richie. Richie then spoke up "So Hot Stuff, where are you from?" "Uh...Florida..." y/n looked down. "Why did you guys move here then?" Eddie asked. "Family issues..." Y/n said not wanting to talk about it more. The boys seem to have gotten the hint because they stopped asking questions. Suddenly Bill stopped and they all stopped and dropped their bikes except Stanley and Y/n who both put their bikes on the stands before going to the edge of the cliff. "Woah..." Y/n said while looking at the beautiful view in front of her. Suddenly all the birds came flooding out of the trees and circled around Y/n as she smiled.

~Stan's Pov~

She looked beautiful as the birds circled around her...that smile...WAIT I can't be thinking like this! I just met her!  He sighed and realized that he was staring at her when Richie yelled "Looks like Stan The Man has a crush!" He quickly looked away with a pink tint appearing on his cheeks. Bill sensed that he should change the topic but Bev beat him to it by saying "Let's jump in!" as she started to take off her dress. They all quickly followed and Stan carefully folded his clothes into a rock and he glanced over at Y/n and saw that she was already done. The boys all lined up at the edge but suddenly we all heard Bev and Y/n yelled "Move sissys!" before jumping off.  

~Normal Pov~

Y/n was holding onto Bev's hand as they jumped off and when the cold water hit their skin they laughed and waited for the others to jump down as Bev said "So Stanley?" she smirked. Y/n blushed and looked into the water while saying "No..." Bev said while taking Y/n's hand "I saw how you looked at him n/n," (n/n: nickname) Y/n sighed "yeah...I like him.." Bev squealed "Ship!" 

~Richie's Pov (sorry I'm changing it a lot)~ 

"Stan you are going first," I looked at Stan. "What? No!" Stan replied. "Yes, it will make you look brave and cool for Y/n," I winked at Stan. Stan looked like he was considering doing it before Eddie spoke up, "Someone shouldn't love you for who you aren't, Richie never jumps first but I still love him," "Yeah, If she really likes you then she would like you for you," Bill finished for Eddie. Stan smiled at the other boys and looked over the edge with a light pink tint on his cheeks from talking about Y/n. "I'll go first" Stan spoke up and everyone backed up so he could run and jump. He backed up and ran off the edge while I yelled "Get your girl!" 

~Normal Pov~

Y/n looked up and saw Stan jumping off and smiles at him. Stan came up and got splashed by everyone else jumping in after him. They all started to play Chicken but Y/n didn't feel like playing so she got swam out to a rock pretty far away and sat down. Suddenly Stanley popped up in front of her. "You okay?" he looked at her concerned. She nodded but clearly wasn't acting like herself. Stan got on the rock with her, "If something is bothering you then you can tell me, I know I haven't been the best to you but I'm here for you," She nodded and looked at Stan. "I saw something my first night here..." She started, "Saw what?" Stan asked. she looked at him with fear in her eyes and she started shaking, "It was my dad...but...he had a balloon...and told me to float with him..." She started to cry and Stan hugged her. "It's okay...I saw something too.." Stan started telling her his story with the Flute Lady. Y/n hugged back and looked up at Stan, not knowing what is going on but then she passed out. 

I'll stop there, for now, love you all


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