Chapter 10

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Shadow POV

It's been a week since the meeting with my old tutor. I say old because Mother killed them. Mother has been teaching me himself while he tries to find a new teacher for me. Apparently he doesn't want to grab another tutor from RoyalTale because of how the old one acted. So now Mother is looking for one, Mother was looking through the different AU's while he had me read a book. Getting bored I decided to ask some questions.

"Mother? Isn't there a TeacherTale or TutorTale? Mabey even a ScholarTale?" Mother froze, "I will be back. You stay here Shadow." Then mother left through a portal. Guess he forgot about them since he didn't think he would need them. I shrugged and went back to my book, not my problem right now. Hopefully the next teacher will be better. Mother is busy so he isn't the best teacher.

An hour or so later

A portal opened up and mother walked out, with a short skeleton trapped in his tendrils. I guess he's my new teacher? He doesn't seem happy, glaring at Mother and I can feel the Hatred seeping through him and towards Mother. I also feel grief and loss from them. Did, did Mother destroy their AU and take them? "Shadow, you may leave now" I nodded, took another glance at the skeleton, and left.

I wondered over to Papy, who was talking to my plants again. Deciding to not listen in, I immediately tackle him from behind. "SHADOW! MY BEST FRIEND!" "Hey Papy! Wanna work on my garden with me?" "OF COURSE SHADOW!" Then we got to work, even expanding my garden a bit! I felt the emotions from the Sans suddenly, mute? I shook it off and focused on spending time with Papy, I'll worry about that later.

The next day

I'm currently studying with my new tutor and... While I finally understand what I'm doing wrong, it feels like their a puppet on strings. Did Mother pump them up on negativity to force them to be a good teacher? I mean, with what happened with my last tutor Mother probably didn't want to take any chances.  I shake my head and got back to work.

After studies

That, was way easier! I skipped out of my own study that Mother set up for when I needed to do my studies. I went to the library and saw Papy and Dad arguing, again. I sigh and shadow traveled to my garden. Guess I'm working on my garden alone today. I was looking forward to telling Papy about my new teacher as well! I sigh and get to work.

A few hours later

I was called to mother's Office again. Assuming it was about my new teacher I quickly put everything away and shadow traveled to mother's Office, not even knocking. Mother didn't get angry. Red Flag Number one. Then Mother asked me to sit down. Red Flag Number two. Red Flag Number three was Mother telling me that I wouldn't like the news.

I was sitting in the chair that Mother put infront of his desk. "Do you know why I've called you here?" "To talk about my new teacher?" Mother gave a sigh, so I guess not. "No, we are not here to talk about your teacher." Huh? Then why am I here? "We are here to talk about... Papyrus...." "What about Papy?" "I don't want you talking to him." What. "It's been fo...." I blocked him out. Papy, Papy is my best friend.

My magic started to lash out inside me, my tendrils were surrounding me and started to kinda lash out at the things around me. I think Mother stopped talking but I don't know. I was to lost in my mind. 'Papy is my best friend. Why do I have to stop talking to him. I didn't do anything wrong! I didn't! I Didn't! I DIDN'T!' I didn't snap out of it until I heard an explosion. I didn't stay to see what happened, I just shadow traveled to the garden and booked it.

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