Episode 2 Extra Class

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"Hi Souyi, your name is Souyi right?" Mina asked, but there was no answer from her. "Owh sorry to bother." Mina said again. "All right, this evening, teacher wants you all to attend class this afternoon because many are still weak in mathematics. So everyone must attend." The teacher said to all the students. "All right, teacher." Answer the students in that class.

Kring .. The school bell also rang to signal the end of the study period. All the students returned to the house and dormitory at that time. When Mina wanted to go home, she was suddenly pulled by someone and taken to the toilet. There Mina was shocked because the person who attracted her was Souyi, her classmate. "What's the matter?" Mina asked in doubt. "I'm sorry for what happened just now. I really rarely talk in class." Said Souyi. "Why? You have no friends in class?" Mina asked Souyi. "Actually, I'm not the sociable type of person." Said Souyi. "I can be your friend. That too if you want." Said Mina. "Yes we can." Souyi replied happily. "May I ask for your phone number?" Mina asked. "Yes you can." Answer Souyi. "See you again this evening. Bye." Said Mina. "Yaa bye." Answer Souyi.

When she got home, Mina took a shower and stored things to prepare for the afternoon class at her school. Kring³ .. Mina's phone rang. "Hello who is this?" Answer Mina. "Hi, I'm Souyi. Do you still remember?" Said Souyi. "Yes. Hi Souyi. Are you ready for class this afternoon?" Mina asked. "Yes. How are you?" She said again. "Yes. Can you wait for me near the hut later?" Mina asked. "Yes of course you can." Said Souyi. "In that case, I'll hang up first." Kata Mina. "Yeah all right. Bye." Said Souyi. "Bye too." Reply Mina.

"Hi Mina, I'm here." Said Souyi. "Hi Souyi, have you been waiting a long time?" Mina asked. "No, I just got to school." The answer. "Let's go to class together." Said Souyi. "Come on. But before that, can you go to the toilet with me?" Said Mina. "Of course you can. Why?" Souyi asked. "No, I just want to pee." He replied "Yeah sure." Said Souyi.

The clock in Mina's hand showed 5 p.m. "Thank you for attending, all afternoon classes." The teacher said to them. "All right, teacher." Answer them. "Souyi, what time did your father come?" Mina asked. "He will arrive at 5:30 later. What about you?" Souyi asked. "Yeah, it's the same. What if we take a walk at this school first?"Mina said. "Yes of course you can." Souyi said. That evening, the friendship between the two of them grew closer like people they have known for a long time.

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