Episode 3 Mina's House 🔞

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Saturday arrived. "Hello Souyi. What are you doing?" Mina asked. "Hi Mina. I'm completing the assignment given by the teacher." Answer Souyi. "Are you busy this afternoon?" Mina asked. "Hmm .. It doesn't taste good." Answer Souyi. "Do you know where my house is?" Mina asked. "Yeah, why?" Answer Souyi. "You want to spend the night at my house? Because my family members have business to town. So I stayed alone in this house for 2 days." Mina asked nervously. "It's okay then. I'll bring the goods to your house later in the evening." Answer Souyi. "Yoo you don't bring very much stuff. Bring enough clothes and other necessities." She said to Souyi. "I'll buy a vanilla cake on the street later for dinner tonight." Answer Souyi. "All right, but don't come so late because I'm afraid to stay home alone." Answer Mina.

At 6 pm, Mina was taking a shower in her bathroom. Suddenly, "Tuk³ .. is there anyone? Mina, are you inside?" Souyi asked. Mina heard Souyi's voice outside her house and went to the front door to open the door. When Mina wanted to open the door, she only used a bath towel but she didn't straighten the towel properly. When she opened the door, Souyi was shocked because the bath towel that Mina was using opened and fell on the floor when she opened the door. Buk ... Souyi fell to the floor and fainted.

"Souyi !! Wake up Souyi." She said to Souyi. A few minutes later, Souyi woke up and said, "Where am I? Did I have a dream?" Souyi asked. "Yooo what happened just now? Wasn't what happened just now a dream?" Souyi asked again. "I'm sorry Souyi, just now I accidentally dropped the bath towel in front of you." She said. Souyi was shocked and was silent for a while and then apologized because he accidentally saw Mina's body. "Where's my stuff? Is it still outside?" Souyi asked. "No I've lifted everything into the house." Answer Mina. "Owh all right." Answer Souyi. "You go take a shower first. Later I will prepare the cake you bought earlier.

"Souyi, have you taken a shower? The rice omelet is ready!" Mina shouted. "All right, I'll go down now." She said to Mina. "Waaaaa you're really good at cooking rice omelets." Answer Souyi. "I learned to make this rice omelet with grandma." She said to Souyi. "But right, it doesn't taste unfamiliar. But near where hmm, I feel like I've eaten before." Souyi thought. "My grandmother opened a cafe here. I should have helped her open a cafe today, but we had to close it because they have business in town." Answer Mina. "I see." Reply Souyi. "The cake you bought earlier is delicious too. Thank you for buying the vanilla cake. The flavor is my favorite." She said to Souyi. "Really? Looks like we're both the same hahahah." Souyi replied with a smile.

That night, the two of them played together like playing chess, video games and revising. At 10 pm she arrived. "Tonight I will sleep on the couch alone." She said to Mina. "Why don't you sleep with me alone? My bed is big enough for 2 people." The reason is to Souyi. "Owh fine then." She said to Mina. "I'm sorry if I bothered you. Because all this time I slept with my sister, but she also had to follow them to town." She said to Souyi. "You have a sister? Why don't I know yet?" Souyi asked. "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you about my family." The answer. "Then all right." She said to Souyi. That night, Souyi and Mina slept together. But they both could not sleep because they still remembered the events that happened this afternoon and tried to sleep.

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