Is This Goodbye?

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Miriams POV
I could barely breath. i was running as fast as my legs would carry me. my eyes were blurry with tears and i could barely see the sidewalk in front of me. i had gotten news from my parents, but it wasn't something i would have ever expected to hear. after they told me i immediately ran out the door, i didn't even really know where i was running, i just couldn't be here. i finally stopped at a corner to wipe my eyes and try to calm my breathing but nothing worked. it was at that moment i realized that i recognized the corner i was standing on. i turn the corner and walk down the street until i reach the Lee's temple. i walk around to mei's window, still sniffling with tears staining my green flannel. i knocked on her window and wait a moment for a response, a minute later i see her face pop between the curtains as she opens her window for me to come in. "Mir? hey whats wrong?" she had a caring look on her face as she brought me in for a hug. "i- i just.." i stuttered. i couldn't bring myself to tell her. "hey, it's okay. take your time." i try again to calm my breathing and speak again. "i need to tell you and the others something mei." "what is it?" "can we just.. maybe go somewhere? please?" she just nodded and picked up her phone to call the others to meet us. we decided to meet at our favorite place called Joey's, we always went there for food and karaoke, it was our hangout spot. when me and mei get there and walk in we see abby priya and tyler sitting at a table all gathered around a basket of fries. when we walk up the first things they notice are my red eyes and a fact that i missed, mei and i had been holding hands the entire way here and we still were. "HEY GUYS!!" abby yelled "whats up" priya said, putting her book down. "sup losers." when i didn't respond and instead fidgeted with my sleeve everyone's expression went serious, waiting for an explanation. we sat down at the table and all eyes went to me as they waited for me to speak.
"my parents are making me move away." i say quietly while i look down at my lap. "wh- what? mir.." i close my eyes and try not to look at her. "you can't leave, we're starting high school soon, so many experiences, mir what are we gonna do??". "I DON'T KNOW OKAY!" i yell out. i didn't mean to but it's all too much right now. "i don't know mei, but i'm moving and there is nothing i can do to stop it." everyone is quiet the rest of the time we spend there, and after being gone for almost three hours i know i have to go home soon even though i don't want to. a couple weeks later after the end of the school year, it was time. we were packing the last of our stuff into our own personal bags, i heard a knock at the door but before i could even get to my door i heard my mom answer it so i left it alone. just a minute later there was a knock on my bedroom door, i walk over to open it and i'm met with the face of the one and only meilin lee. "hey mir, sorry for showing up without telling you first but, i figured you could use some company." she flashed me a smile and walked over to help me finish packing. god i'm gonna miss her, her shining smile, her bright eyes, her laugh that i could listen to all day, wait- miriam no, you're leaving, stop thinking about her like this you can't have her, you never will. i only notice i zoned out when i come back to see mei waving her hand in front of my face. "hey, you ok?" she asked with a questioning look on her face. i tried to force a smile but she saw right through it and put her arms out for a hug which i happily accepted. after we finished packing, my parents said i could go out for two hours to see my friends one last time and say goodbye to them which i wasn't ready to do. we all met at mei's house to hang out for a while. though we didn't do much i still enjoyed it. after a while abby, priya and tyler all had to leave but they said goodbye, abby nearly crushed me in a hug. i still had a little bit of time before i had to go so it was just me and mei now. "so hey, i uh. i got you something." she pulled out two charm bracelets, one with a skateboard charm and the other with a red panda. "i um, i figured i could wear the skateboard one and you could wear the red panda just to like, i don't know, remember each other. i- it's stupid you don't have to if you don't want to you know i just thought-" i cut her off by bringing her into a hug. "i love it mei, thank you." we put them both on and she shot me a smile, god i'm gonna miss that smile. a moment later i got a message from my mom telling me it's time to go, i knew it was coming eventually but i hated that it had to happen now. she pulled me into another hug and this one lasted longer, i wish i didn't have to let go. "i'm gonna miss you mir.." her eyes started to tear up. "don't cry mei, that's gonna make me cry too." tears started to fill my eyes as well. "you know i can't promise that." tears start rolling down her cheeks and mine. i caught myself staring at her eyes and didn't even try to stop myself from speaking again. "i love you mei, so much." for a split second i thought i could see red across her face but i figured i was just seeing things. as my parents pulled up she pulled me into another short hug and said "i love you too mir, more than you know." i got in the car and waved at mei as we started to drive off, this was it, we were leaving and thats it.
Mei's POV
i can't believe it, she's actually gone and there was nothing i could do. i would never get to experience so many things with her, high school, our first jobs, our first kisses. i would never get to tell her how i felt, i've loved her for so long and now i'll never get to tell her.

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