The New Normal

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Mei's POV

this is it, my last day of my junior year. i can't believe it. it had been somewhere around 4 years since miriam left, most people probably don't even think about her anymore, but i do everyday. after she left i kinda stopped talking to the others, and eventually we stopped talking too. my mom wanted me to focus on school and helping around the temple, which meant no distractions, no friends, and no late night calls with mir. of course i didn't want to just stop talking to all of them, but i didn't really have a choice. i'm 18 now, and i need to start thinking about college. and of course i still see them around school, but we never really talk anymore. i'm just outside of school right now, i decided to do some reading before going back home. i see the four of them at the basketball court, tyler is in a game of 1 on 1 against one of his other friends, priya is reading while looking up every once in a while to cheer for him, while abby is running around screaming whenever he makes a shot. i see him abruptly stop and pull out his phone as i start walking, he looks concerned. just as a walk past them i hear him say its a family emergency and he has to go. i hope everything is okay. i decide to just keep walking, everyday i just wish i could talk to them again and have everything just be normal like it used to be. i finally got home and closed the door and almost immedietly got tons of questions from my mom. "mei mei where have you been? i thought you were hurt or lost or-" i just cut her off and started talking. "sorry, i decided to do some reading at school before coming home because it was nice out today." she was upset i didn't tell her i would be out later than usual and told me to go to my room. this is my life now i guess, great. just great.

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