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I got to Mei's house with her following close behind. "Mir you don't need to do this, i'll be fine, I'll just wait until the end of the school year, then once i'm in college i'll be fine." I hated to hear her talk like that. "I know I don't need to, but I want to Mei. I'm tired of seeing you do what she wants, what do you want?" her face relaxed and she dropped my arm, letting me knock on the door. a minute after i did i heard shuffling on the other side, then the door unlocked and opened to reveal Ming Lee. same as always. she loooked at me confused and then looked behiind me and saw mei.

"Mei Mei! what are you doing outside? and with her no less." there was a certain tone was she said "her" she sounded disgusted by my presence. lovely. she tried to reach behind me and grab Mei's arm but i stepped between them to get in her way. "Keep your hands off of her."  "Excuse me?" she sounded annoyed. "You have no right to tell me what to do, move out of the way." "You're the one with no right! have you seen the way you treat Mei??" 

"Mei Mei is my daughter and she needs to listen to me, not you. now I'm only asking one more time, move." she was gonna get aggressive if i didn't move, but i didn't care. i stood my ground and stayed between her and Mei. "That's it!!" she jumped forward like she was gonna grab me but something got in her way. i opened my eyes and saw Mei in her panda form. "Mom you need to stop!" Ming stepped back shocked at what she said. "Mei Mei..."

I stepped forward and put my hand on her shoulder, she turned around and her eyes softened, i gave her a look that said let me handle this and with a puff of pink smoke Mei was back to normal. "Ming, your daughter is 18, she is a full grown adult. but you know that, cause she's basically been one since we met and I've known her for ten years. i get that it's hard to realize, but she's growing up. and you have to let go. let her have some freedom while she's still in high school. because once she's gone, she's gone. you can not take this girl for granted, because you may never get a second chance with her. i did that, and i lost her for four years. and i get to be here with her now, but only because i'm trying to be. let her live, or you may live to regret it."

Mei asked her mom to go inside and she would follow in a minute, once the door closed Mei turned around to look at me and pulled me into a kiss before saying good night and walking inside, leaving me to skate the rest of the way home.

The Note Of A Lifetime (mei x miriam)Where stories live. Discover now