Starting To Remember

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This chapter will take place a couple days after the last because i Don't feel like writing it all

Miriam's POV:

Two days, there was only two days left until we went back.
Until I could see my old neighborhood again, until I could see my old friends again, until I could see mei again.
I've called back and forth with Tyler a few times over the past couple days, he's told me that mei has gotten every single note and started to look less and less surprised when there was one in there.
I asked him to keep it all a secret, even from abby and priya. Not that I don't want them knowing, but I don't want anyone to accidentally tell mei about it and i know Tyler is least likely to spill.
I was playing music and packing in my room, my parents are both out running errands so I hooked my phone up to my speaker and was blasting every song I played.
I was listening to riptide by Vance joy when I heard knocking on the front door. I looked out my window and saw hailey and jack talking and obviously waiting for someone to answer.
I opened my window and yelled to them that I would be out in a minute, I grabbed my shoes and my skateboard while texting my parents that I was leaving and would be back later.
When i got downstairs I opened the door and quickly closed it behind me so they couldn't see the boxes.
See i didn't exactly tell them yet that we were moving.
And I know I know I should have, and I plan on it while we're out today, i just haven't done it yet.
"Hey what's up losers."
"Oh you wanna call me a loser when jack is over here crushing on the dumbest guy in our school?"
"Hey i told you that in confidence!"
"Well you shouldn't have."
They kept arguing about it while we made our way to the skate park, by the time we got there hailey had started a conversation with me instead and jack had his arms crossed and was pouting on the other side of me.
A bit of a time skip

After skating around for a while and all three of us falling off a whole bunch we were all pretty tired, and i decided that I needed to tell them.
I was leaving in a few days and they need to know.
"Hey guys, i have something we need to talk about."
"Um, okay what's up mir?"
No one has called me mir since I lived in Toronto.
The only person I ever let call me mir was mei.
"I uh, I'm moving. Like in just a couple days."
They both just looked at me surprised.
Finally hailey was the first to speak up.
"I um... wow, how long have you known?"
"Just know that it was really sudden-"
Jack said something this time.
"Miriam, how long have you known."
"Three days..."
They both said that they wish I would've told them earlier and honestly, I wish I did too.
After that all three of us went our separate ways, they went home and i went back to packing.
By the time I got home my parents were back so rather than playing music through my speaker I just put my headphones on and went to working on it.

The Note Of A Lifetime (mei x miriam)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora