Danger 😱

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Paul's POV:
Today is doomsday. Today is the day I kick Ricky out of this race for BTs love. I walk into the school with my head held high. BT stayed home to sulk today which means I can kill Ricky without him seeing. Ricky normally stays in the cafeteria surrounded around girls. I walk in and everyone stops talking. "Ricky Uhrig. Come here right now." I yell across the room. After a moment of silence I hear Ricky respond "And what do you want nerd face". How dare he. "Just come here oh my god." I say. I hear him start walking towards me. Whispers rise in the room. He finally got to me after dodging people and I grab his wrist and pull him out. Once we exit the cafeteria, I lead him to the bathroom and pin him on the wall. "Hey- I didn't know you had a crush on me Mr Cinnamon Apple!" He says. I slap him silly. "Kinky aye?" he says. I knee his balls and turn around. "Yo, what was tha-" He says, but I cover his mouth. I can tell he tried to bite me but it doesn't hurt. "What is your relationship with BT?" I questions. "Ohhh so thats what this is about. He's kinda like my little boy toy. He's so cute I love him. Haha." He responds answering my question. I already know he's lying, I watch BTs every move so I would know if they were meeting up. I punch him in the face as hard as possible. I falls to the ground holding his hand to his face. "What was that for?!?" he yells. I smirk at him. He's so weak he should stop joking with me, the alpha. "Tell me the truth." I say pushing him onto his back with my foot. "Fine, fine. Were just friends though I have a huge crush on him." He reveals. I knew it. I would never let him lay a hand on BT ever again. I stomp in his face, breaking his nose. "Awh shi-" He began to say before I continued to stomp on his face. Once I finished I took a quick look around him. He was unconscious and there was blood everyone. Sadly he wasn't dead. I pulled my sleeve down as my arm started to glow. When my arm starts to glow it means my power is about to be released. My bare power was strong enough to kill 100 giants with one hit. Killing one Ricky would be easy as pie. I point my arm towards Rickys face. Seconds before the power is released I hear a familiar voice yell "Don't do it Paul!!". I turned to see BT standing at the entrance of the bathroom. "BT?" I say. I tried to stop my power from coming out but it was already to late. "Im sorry BT" I say closing my eyes. Seconds later my power is released and I open my eyes looking where BT was standing, expecting him to have been in tears. Though when I looked he wasn't there. "BT?" I say in a rather confused voice. I lower my arm and look around. When I found him I practically fell back in shock. There he was, laying on top of Ricky. He took the hit. No. This wasn't how it was supposed to go down. Ricky was supposed to die not BT. I kneel down to get a closer look. He's still breathing! I have to get him to a hospital as soon as possible. I start to pick him up when I hear footsteps get closer to the door. Seconds later the door slams open the there is Principal Jorge. "What is going on here?!?" He yells. He slowly looked down as Ricky and BT on my back. He then fainted. Soon enough security came by to make sure I wasn't some school shooter. When saw what was happening, they cuffed me and sent me out while calling an ambulance for the 2 unconscious boys.

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