Uh oh !!

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I woke up with bright lights in ny eyes. I try to remember what had happened before I was knocked out. I start to sit up and notice im laying on a hospital bed. Suddenly get a flashback of what happened, with Ricky and Paul of course. I take a look around so I can confirm I am in a hospital, when I notice someone in the chair next to my bed reading a book. He looks up and we meet eyes. Its Ricky! He has bandages all over his face but I could still tell it was him. "BT! You're up! Finally, let me go get the doctors!!" He says running out of the room. From outside the door I can hear him yell "Doc!! He's up!". Moments later I see Ricky and a maybe 40-50 year old women walk in. "Ah! Youre up! Well I should introduce myself I guess. My name is Emily. Emily Waugh." The doctor lady states. "Where's Paul? Is he ok?" I say quickly say realizing that he's not in the room. She looks at me with a sad look on her face and says "Er, about him. He was taken to a high security prison. His alpha powers were also extracted. I would say you could visit him but this specific prison doesn't allow visitors. Im sorry hon." Paul was taken to prison? I know he tried to kill Ricky and all but I don't blame him!! He's my boyfriend and he just for a tad jealous. I attempt to get up but was abruptly stopped by the strap around my waste that was attached to the bed. "H-Hey, what's this for?" I say trying to get out. "Oh I told the Doctor that you would try and escape when you woke up so I told her her to strap you! You'll be strapped until you're allowed to be dismissed." Ricky says answering my question. I was to exhausted to say anything in response and passed out. When I awoke I saw Ricky standing and my door way slowly closing the door. The lights were all out so i'd assume that it was night time, but what was Ricky doing in my room?

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