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I parked my car in the employee-only parking lot and opened the door hesitantly. I opened the door to William holding a bright purple collared shirt, black pants, and a name tag.

"This is your uniform," he said, smiling. "Go put it on and come back out for instructions."

I nodded and he saluted casually before walking away. There was a locker room near the kitchen. I got changed, feeling like a dork in this uniform.

William was leaning near a stage with 2 animatronics on stage. When he saw me, he waved and beckoned me to go where he was. I quickly jogged over, avoiding the party tables.

"These aren't normal animatronics," William boasted proudly. "Me and Henry built them in a way so they could be doubled as mascot suits! You won't need them today, but I would like you to know about them now and give you instructions on how to use them to save a little bit of time."

"Alright," I replied.

"Inside the suit, there's a mechanism called spring locks. The spring locks are the things that control whether these guys are animatronics or mascot suits. On the back near the neck, there's a little crank to wind the spring locks up. You want to keep them winded up so they don't accidentally spring out and kill you, obviously."

William laughed. My eyes went wide.

"Uh-" I stammered, "these can kill me..?"

William patted my head in an attempt to comfort me. I jumped.

"Oh relax," he said. "As long as you follow my instructions and warnings, you'll be fine. To get into the suit, you take off the head, and climb in. Be careful not to bump the spring locks too hard as they'll unwind. Now the normal thing I have to say to every new employee."

He sighed for a second before continuing. "Don't run, jump, sweat, bleed, or cry in these suits because the spring locks are sensitive to moisture. If the spring locks do happen to go off, get away from the children because ya know, dying in front of them could ruin their childhood, traumatize them, blah blah blah."

I mean, I see why they pay so high now, I guess. Because it's FRIGGIN DANGEROUS!!

"You okay?" William asked with a concerned look. "You look pale. Are you sick?"

I snapped back into reality. "What- huh-" I stammered. "Oh yeah! I'm fine!"

"Alrighty, welp, can you serve these boxes of pizza to the children?" William asked with his crooked smile as Henry handed him some pizza boxes through the kitchen window.

"Alright," I said, grateful to get away from him. My chest was pounding. I hated it. I felt so uncomfortable. I don't know why, but I do. I have a bad feeling about this job...


"Hey Y/N!" Henry came running up to me. "William invited us over for dinner tonight! Apparently, he told me that he hopes you two can get along!"

"I don't need friends," I glared at Henry. "I never will."

"Listen, just because that thing happened with mom and dad doesn't mean-"

"SHUT IT!! You don't know the whole story."

I stomped out and slammed my car door shut. No one truly knows what happened to mom and dad, not even my own brother....

Sorry these first few chapters are so short! I promise they'll get longer as I write more and more. Thank you for deciding to read this story I'm making! I really appreciate it! 😁😁

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