Chapter One - Arrival (Part One)

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It was twelve minutes past midnight.

The sky was jet black, and the breeze was cold. The stars seemed to have disappeared behind the dark clouds.  

A fiery mass had beamed through the caliginous sky, leaving a trail of soot and smoke. It was an asteroid, as massive as a whole city, and it headed east. The asteroid seemed to have been a marvel during that gloomy night for it was the only object in the sky that radiated, but it only conveyed fear to those who had witnessed it.

Although in great fear, everyone had remained calm and silent. The asteroid had only been passing by with just a little chance of it crashing to the surface. Still, the people had braced themselves for whatever might happen.

As it gleamed across the atmosphere, terrified eyes observed from below. It was scorching hot, and it had seemed like a glaring red eye that could pierce through the soul.

 Everything was in deep silence except for the grumbling sound that had been emanating from the asteroid.

Something was very unusual about that asteroid. It had never gained speed, so every single movement that it had made across the sky was dense. However, that had only made the night more terrifying.

Several more minutes had gone, and still the asteroid had not moved far from its original position.  

As the moments continued to gradually take place, an even brighter mass arose from the edge of the sky. It was the magnificent sun arriving earlier than usual. Then, the asteroid halted abruptly, as if it had seen the sun. Although the sun had overpowered the brightness of the asteroid, it was still very visible. It almost seemed that it had brightened up even more.

Just as the sun had settled and its rays had dissipated the shadows of the night, the asteroid roared. Then, it accelerated, something that was not anticipated by the people. 

The asteroid had been waiting for the sun. Unlike when it had arrived, the asteroid was growing faster, and it was so fast that it looked as if it would tear up the sky. The grumbling had intensified, and the threat level heightened.

The asteroid was no longer a marvel of the sky, and it had blocked the sun to overrun its rule over the land. Upon reaching its target, there was total darkness. Even the asteroid had lost its blaze.

No one to object and nothing to hamper, dark beings crept from the shadows. Amidst the silence and the total darkness, a massive slaughter had transpired. This was the day of their vengeance. 

Zeanwill S.

The bell was ringing, though it sounded more like a continuous clinking noise.

The students of St. Jean’s University were so caught up in a chaotic riot that their noise overwhelmed the alarm. There was no disaster. The alarm was set just to announce that it was lunchtime. Still, what is more disastrous than a mob of hungry students anxious to take a break from their first day of school?

The exact time was 12:12 pm. Midday sunlight flooded through the large windows of the seven story university, bringing up a cheerful yet somehow chaotic mood.

At that time, Zeanwill L. Sena, often called Will, was in the hallway. He was planning to meet up again with his friend Mattel by the university pool. The morning before classes started, Will had met up with him.

“Mattel! What’s up man, how’s life since high school?” Will had asked him.

Mattel remained silent for a while, and then he replied.

An Exquisite Lie: Zodiac (Still Under Construction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz