Chapter Seven - Seeker

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Ten times. If Fallanine had it right, it had been ten times, and counting.

That’s how many times she had thrown-up into the toilet. Zooming through space in hyper speed had jiggled her brain and guts, and throwing-up was the only considerable way to respond. Well, so she insisted.

Zauri was accompanying her in one of the multiple wash rooms built conveniently in the ship. Inside, it didn’t look alien, so it was comfortable for Earth grown Vaniads to use. Zauri was concerned by her friend’s condition, but she just couldn’t stop giggling.

“You’ll be alright soon! We’re almost at Vanjeide,” said Zauri whilst giggles still escaped her lips.

“Like that’s gonna cheer me up. What do you think will happen to me when this ship, travelling at a thousand miles per minute, suddenly hits the brakes?” Fal clutched her head. “Argh! Just thinking about it makes me nauseous already!” she exclaimed. Her head rested uneasily on the toilet seat, and her face went paler than a bleached potato. Fallanine had her reddish-brown hair tied into a ponytail, and she wore the official space travelling attire just like the rest of the passengers onboard.

“Gross! Get off there!” Zauri shrieked as she gradually pulled Fal away from the toilet. She helped Fal find her balance, and then swept off the dirt on her white leather suit.

“Just think about it. This is far better than teleporting!” she tried to convince. Fallanine rolled her eyes.

“I’d prefer that!” Fal exclaimed. Zauri chuckled, amused by her friend’s overly dramatic comments.

When she got a hold of herself, Zauri sighed. “Anyways, let’s get to a more important issue.”

“Alright, what’s it about now?” Fal asked, tilting her head sideways to express that she was listening.

Zauri pointed both of her fingers at her suit. “Does this make me look fat?”

“Oh that’s definitely important at the moment!” Fal exclaimed with sarcasm. Disappointed, Zauri pouted.

“Fine, fine. You don’t even have to ask me! Anything will look fabulous as long as Zauri Sena wears it.” Fal complimented.  Oh, but that was one of Zauri’s supermodel traits.

Zauri blushed in flattery. “Aww, thanks!” she exclaimed. Her eyes twinkled with delight. “However, I can’t help but envy the boys. How come they get to wear the awesome black?” she complained.

Fallanine tugged on Zauri’s neat auburn braids. “Forget about that! Let’s go find them,” she suggested. Zauri nodded, and the two exited the wash room then walked the silver hallway.

Amazing, one word that screamed in Zauri’s head as she observed the interior of the ship. Just by passing through the hall was already astonished by the decorations on the walls. It was just like in a five-star hotel, considering that they were inside a ship traveling in space. As they followed the silver tiles, Zauri imagined how the former temple walls transformed into the hallway floor that they were now walking on. She tried to understand how all the temple windows had moved to the floor and the ceiling – now they’re the ship’s walls. It was that, simply amazing! Now she believes that Vaniad technology was really something. How else would fragile furniture remain in one piece even after the room they were in rotated and flipped?

Speaking of technology, Syle had been bugging Greyson about the mechanics of the ship. Greyson was busy maneuvering the ship though, so Syle wasn’t given the discussion. Zauri and Fal found him watching the scenery through a window.

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