Chapter Five - Black and White

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Greyson faced the growing yellow sun and inhaled the tropical air.

“Don’t you just love the Pacific breeze?” said Greyson as he stretched his back.

He turned to observe how his companions reacted. Hoping that they felt as jittery as he did, he kicked around the white sand and inhaled deeper.

“This place is my favorite whenever I wanted to just take a rest from all the human bustles and the pollution that they make,” he said, still playing around the sand.

“It’s just perfect for a vacation after a traumatic catastrophe! Right?” he asked, trying to sound convincing.

The others seemed to have agreed, except for Syle who was looking a bit irritated.

“Greyson, you brought us to a beach,” he said.

“Yes! And a great one too,” replied Greyson.

“Uh, hello? Beach equals sea, and sea equals water. Water equals the nightmare that happened last night, remember?” Syle explained.

Greyson flushed a little. “Hmm, I guess I am getting a bit old.”

Ms. Aguirre eased her son’s anxiety. “It’s alright Syle, that sea won’t bother me as long as you’re with me,” she said. Then, she took a glance at the gently waving water.

“Well, I’m a bit worried. Why don’t we check out the inns here and take care of the lodging?” suggested Ms. Aguirre.

Syle nodded. “Gervais, you coming?” he asked.

“Nah, I’m a military man remember?” replied Gervais. “That tragedy last night is nothing but a memory for me now. You go ahead bro’.”

“Can I come instead?” asked Zauri. “I want to see how good the interior designers are here.”

Zauri joined the two, and they headed north to where the beach inns are.

It’s an early morning, around four o’clock, when Greyson and the others came. Although the beach was a tourist hotspot, it was too early for a great number of people to cluster and notice the party appear from nowhere.

A total of fifteen people arrived. They composed of the Bridges, Will, Zauri and their dad, the Hernandez’s, the Aguirres, Fallanine, and another guy.

Will noticed that they had a guest that needed introduction. “Who’s this guy, Greyson? Why did you bring him?” he asked.

“He’s Knathaniel Pensley, my personal trainer,” replied Fal, giving emphasis to the K.

Knathaniel maintained a sturdy upright posture. He appeared to be a young soldier, about twenty. His eyes and hair were brown, and his face radiated strength. Although he seemed to be a sober guy, he keeps a smile that shatters his seriousness.

Fallanine continued explaining. “Greyson introduced his Vaniad friend to me just yesterday when I got home.”

 “Based on a personal attribute, what’s with Vaniads and weird names?” teased Will.

Greyson ignored Will, knowing that he’s being rhetorical. “I heard that my bud Knate’s in town, so I asked him to help me out with training Fallanine.”

“So what’s he doing here?” asked Will.

“I like beaches too,” answered Knate.

Meione immediately came to Knathaniel’s side. “I invited him to come. Dad said it was alright.”

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