Chapter Three - The Truth

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Last night had been the weirdest thing that ever happened to Mattel.

He was used to weird things. Living with a telepathic sister is one of them, and so is having a friend who could literally play with fire. However, being followed by a mysterious hooded man is new to the list.

The hooded man had started following him and his sister just this morning when they were heading for school. The man was good in hiding. He disguised himself in the crowd as an ordinary person wearing jeans and a hooded jacket, yet Mattel had ways of sensing that the man was following them. Hooded men are always up to something.

Mattel looked at Laira and stared at her eyes. He was able to tell her what was happening and explain to her their plan of action by just saying it in his mind. Of course, Laira was able to read the message.

When the hooded man was getting closer, Laira and Matt began to move towards a less crowded place. The man followed them there.

Laira dropped the books she was carrying to school, and she made it look as if it was accidental. Then, she crouched to pick them up while Mattel assisted her. The hooded man saw this as a chance and briskly walked towards the two.

Mattel continued acting to help Laira who was still crouched to the ground. He waited for the man to get closer. When the man was close enough, the two of them responded immediately.

Laira dropped her things again as she quickly stood up and grabbed the man’s neck. Then, she attacked the man’s knees. The man kneeled to the ground with Laira’s hand still grasping his neck. Mattel was already behind him. He seized the man’s arms, and the man was completely immobilized.

“Who are you?” Mattel interrogated. “Are you one of Greyson’s men?”

“Hardly!” replied the hooded man.

Mattel let go of the man’s arms upon hearing his voice. Laira released her grasp of the man too. Mattel was shocked. The man wasn’t a hooded man, he was a hooded woman.

When she was free, the hooded woman revealed her face. She looked about twenty years old. She had light brown hair, and her face was flawless and angelic. “I’m his daughter, Meione.”

“Why were you following us?” Mattel asked while trying not to be charmed by Meione’s face.

Before Meione could answer, Laira interrupted. “Does he really need us to be there?”

Meione faced her with a worried smile. “Yes. My father has to make sure that you get back to the silver temple before it’s too late.”

“Too late?” Matt asked. “Too late for what?”

“Let’s come with her Matt,” Laira said. She was still looking very innocent. “I’m sure Mr. Greyson is worried. He needs us.”

Mattel was still not convinced to come. “How can we trust you?” he asked Meione.

Meione faced back to him. She had a very serious face put on. “Just trust me.”

Mattel didn’t object any longer. Meione’s eyes had just dazzled him. Besides, his sister could read minds. If Meione was planning anything suspicious, Laira would be able to know.

“Ok…” said Mattel. “So, let’s go?”

Meione shook her head. “Not yet. We still need to find the other four.”

“We know where to find them,” said Laira. “They’re all probably at St. Jean’s right now.”

“Let’s find your friends,” Meione was still serious.

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