Chapter 6

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I hadn't noticed that Chiron had walked in until I had finished telling Leo what had happened

"Percy I... we had no idea" Leo started
I started to cry again
"Percy I know this won't really help but I can allow you to go in and see her, no one else is allowed but this may be your last chance to see her even if she wakes up" Chiron stated
I just cried more! Then nodded

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ just a time skip to an emotional time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chiron opened the door and I slowly walked In. My heart froze
There she was, eyes closed, her body completely motionless, she looked pale much more pale than usual! Still she was the most beautiful girl in the world!
I could feel the tears in my eyes
I crouched beside her putting a hand on her cheek
"I love you" I whispered "I don't know if you can hear me or if you know what's going on, but I am so so so sorry this wasn't meant to happen any of this I love you I alway have I always will" I could feel the tears falling now "you don't deserve this, there right I should be here not you I shouldn't have caused this wise girl" it stung when I said her name " I hope you can hear me. you have to come back you just have to if not for me then for everyone else they need you, camp needs you, i... I need you please please come back to me" my forehead was now resting on hers my tears dropping to her face I kissed her lips, they were cold and unmoving but it was all I had!
I wiped my tears from her face kisses her forehead and left whispering I'm sorry

I could feel warmth on my face, my lips tingled I still had no idea what was going on
"Please please come back to me" a familiar voice said. I could quite make out who.
But I was trying!
Trying to respond.
Trying to reach the person.
Trying to wake up.
I couldn't, I couldn't move I was trapped, pinned, caged
I was falling, a hand reached out, Percy's hand
He held on to me. I remember now we're falling, falling into the heart of hell.
"Percy please let go you can't pull me up" I called to him.
He looked down
He smiled. I was safe, until he let go he let me fall alone!
My mind screamed! Percy wouldn't do that even if he didn't love me, would he?
Darkness, nothing, just darkness

Percabeth~ I still love youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang