Chapter 17

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Percy's POV
It had taken a while but things were starting to get better again.
Me and annabeth were better than ever and everything seamed normal,so of course something had to come along and ruin it!
My life was about to be destroyed, flipped upside down, ended! This was it. This was the real wand to Percy Jackson!
More specifically exams!
We had to take exams at the end of the year and I knew I would be the only one who didn't pass! So sat at my desk I began the dreaded task of studying!
"Hey you!" I knew the voice and I knew the lips pressed against my temple.
"Hey gorgeous" I said as I felt annabeth giggle against my head
"You still studying?" She asked and sat down next to me
"I could study every day for the rest of my life and still not pass any of these exams" I groaned
"That's not true" annabeth countered
"I'm sorry wise girl but it is"
"Let me help you then seaweed brain."
"How?" I asked, I was the worst student and annabeth would only distract me.
"Well you do the questions in this practice paper and I'll mark it, if you get over 50% then we can go out to diner and then maybe snuggle in bed afterwards whilst watching a film"
Dam annabeth's bribe was good
"You got yourself a deal wise girl."

An hour and a half latter and I was finally finished!
"So how did I do?" I asked I really wanted to pass this one, as I was so done with studying!
"Well seaweed brain I believe I owe you dinner." Annabeth grinned up at me
"Really?" I grinned back " how did I do"
"You got a B Percy, a freaking B!" I could tell she was proud and hell I was too!
I reached forward and grabbed her waist pulling her down onto my lap and pressing my lips to hers! She ran her hand up my back and to my neck, her fingers curling around my hair. I gently moved my hands along the exposed skin at the bottom of her shirt. My grip tightened and I could feel annabeth moan and lean into me, just to tease I pulled back
"So how bout that dinner then?"
"Really Percy you stopped that cause you want dinner?"
"Hey a deals a deal wise girl" I laughed pulling her to her feet. She scowled as I handed her, her coat and took her hand leading her out of my cabin and to what I hoped was an amazing date!

So it's been a long time but I finally decided to pick this fanfic up again. I don't know why I stopped writing but I was reading through this and fell I love with it again, so I hopped you enjoyed it let me know if there's anything else you would like to see in this fanfic and thank you for sticking with me I love you all!

Percabeth~ I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now