Chapter 14

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Annabeths pov

Percys recovery was hard very hard!
I was with him all the time to make sure he was ok. I wanted my seaweed brain to get better but it wasn't easy for him.

"Hey seaweed brain how are you"
"I'm fine I don't nee you checking on me 24/7 Annabeth!" percy snapped at me
"s-sorry" i muttered quietly as i reopened the door to leave
"annabeth please dont go im sorry im just not in the bests of moods" percy said as he grabbed my wrist and forced me to face him.
"its ok" i smiled as he crashed his lips too mine, his hands let go of my wrist as we fell onto his bed, my hands were entangled in his hair as his hands traveled over my body
"percy" i breathed as he finally let me pull away for air, i sat up.
"how are you feeling percy honestly an dont you dare lie to me!"

"im fine really well maybe not fine but im getting there wise girl i promise"
percy gave me his classic lopsided grin an i knew he was telling me the truth.

sorry its so short and that i lied on my last update but i will update every week from now on i promise i love you all

Percabeth~ I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now