Chapter 18

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Annabeth's POV
me and Percy went to a nice little place on the Pier and Percy of course got a pizza, I however decided on the chicken. It was a nice meal and it felt amazing to be out on a real date with Percy again. After everything we had been through I was glad we could just relax and have a nice time.
"So wise girl," Percy started as we walked hand in hand down the beach "any plans for the weekend?" I couldn't help but laugh at Percy's question.
"No seaweed brain I have no plans" I said once I had sorted myself out.
"Well now you do, we're going to my mums cabin by the beach"
"Really, how come?"
"Because wise girl we need to get a way and... Be alone" I giggled as Percy wiggled his eyebrows at me
"Yeah you sure you can handle a weekend alone with me" I smirked as I saw Percy blush bright red

After dinner me and Percy took a walk along the pier
"I love you"
"Love you too sea weed brain"
Percy smiled and stopped us walking
He leaned in and gently kissed bellow my ear and then whispered
"your gonna hate me for this" he then pushed me into the water
"PERCY!" I screamed when I resurfaced but he just laughed and elegantly cannon balled into the water and swam towards me
"learn to live a little" he said as he wrapped his arms around me
" I would like to live on land please" I answered
He laughed and I took my chance and splashed him
"Oh it's on wise girl". We chased each other for what felt like hours until I yawned
"You tired?"
"A little" I answered, Percy responded by giving me a piggyback
"Carry me home" I asked
"Of corse my love" Percy answered
"Urgh don't be so cheesy" I said whilst laughing, I kissed his temple and said
"I love you"

Hope you enjoyed sorry it's a little late but I love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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