Pretty omega 🐨

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Description: Chan is insecure about presenting as an omega, but his boyfriend Felix is here to reassure him.

*ring ring ring*  "uhhh..geez what time is it..?" Chan asked while looking at his phone to check the time.

"7:32?! I'm gonna be late!" Chan quickly got out of bed and went straight to his closet and grabbed his school uniform.

He changed and rushed downstairs to grab something quick to eat.

His mother looked at him from the living room and frowned. "Chan did you sleep in again??"

"Sorry sorry!" Chan said while grabbing a banana and rushing over to his mother and kissing her cheek.

"Bye mom love you!" And with that he gabbed his bag that was near the door and rushed out.

When Chan was out the door he quickly rushed over to his boyfriend Felix's house.

Once he got there and saw Felix and his other alpha friends, Jeongin and Minho.

For some background, Chan hadn't presented yet. But Felix has and him and his best friends were all alphas.

Chan was the only person out of his small friend group who hadn't presented yet.

A lot of his friends told him that he was probably gonna be an alpha. Since he was like the dad/leader of their little group.

But he wasn't so sure. Chan snapped out of his thoughts and walked over to Felix and snuggled into his chest.

"Well hi pretty boy~" Felix said while chucking and holding Chan close.

Chan let out a small giggle, "Hi Lixie~"

Minho and Jeongin were just looking at the two and giggling. Everyone thought Felix and Chan were a very cute couple.

"So Channie hyung, have you presented yet?" Jeongin asked.


"Aww don't worry baby~ You'll present soon!"

And with that, all four of them processed to walk to school, not caring about the fact that they were gonna be late.



Hyungie hyungie!!" Chan turned around and saw Seungmin, one of his best friends running to him.

Chan and Felix had missed 1st period due to them being late, so they were currently in the library just kissing and cuddling.

"Hi Minnie! How are you?"

"I'm fine! But guess what?!"

"What?" Chan said while tilting his head.

"I found my mate!!"

Chan let out a gasp and widened his eyes. Honestly he never felt the need to find a mate until he met Felix.

"That's great Minnie!! What's their name?"

"Changbin! He's currently in class right now but after this you could meet him!!'

"We'd love too!" Felix responded while giving his signature smile. But soon the happiness was cut short when Chan suddenly started to feel a pain in his stomach, and he started to feel very hot despite it being pretty chilly in the library due to the AC.

Seungmin looked at him with a concerned expression. "Are you ok channie hyung? You"

"'s hot in here..!" Soon Chan collapsed to the floor in pain, it feeling like a bunch of knives and needles hitting him in the stomach.

"Chan hyung?! Baby are you ok?!" Felix asked as he quickly went on his knees beside Chan and held him close.

"Hyungs..I think Chan is presenting."

"But..I don't feel angry..!"

"Channie hyung..I don't think you're an alpha. I think you're an omega.."

Chan just whined and shoved his face into the crook of Felix's neck. His instincts yelling at him to get closer to Felix.

"Felix hyung we need to get chan to the heat rooms." Seungmin answered as he grabbed all of chan's stuff from the table and put it inside his backpack.

Seungmin and Felix carried Chan to the heat rooms, all the way telling him sweet nothings, letting him know that everything was going to be ok.

"Lixie..this pain is becoming unbearable..!"

"I know baby I's ok." And with that, both Seungmin and Felix walked inside the room and sat Chan down on the bed..they knew they were on for a long week.


Chan and Felix were lounging on the couch, watching whatever show was on. After finding out the chan was an omega, he'd been acting a little funny.

"Baby? What's been going on with you?"

"What to do you mean lixie..?" Chan asked he lifted his head up from Felix's chest.

"Baby..ever since you presented as an omega you've been acting strange."

"Oh..well I thought I was gonna be an alpha! Since that's what everyone was telling me.."

Felix cupped chan's cheeks, and littered his face with soft kisses. "Channie..I love you ok? No matter what you present as, you're my everything, and I love pretty omega."

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